Noah's Arc and Tsunami (Daily Celestial Challenge - Thursday : Forces in nature)

When I read today's topic the first thing that came to my mind was Tsunami and so did the story of Noah. Lets start with Noah's story,

The descendants of Adam and Eve got really evil. So, God was angered and he ordered Noah to make a huge ship called the Arc. It took Noah 120 years to build it. God then told him to take his wife, his 3 sons and their wives into it. He was also ordered to take one pair of each animal and bird that existed, with him in the Arc. People made fun of him saying that no Tsunami was about to come. Little did they know, their destruction awaited them. Then, it started raining and didnt stop for forty days and nights. It rained so much that all the mountains got covered with water. But, Noah was safe along with all the animals. It took a whole year for the water to go down and then Noah was ordered to start a new life along with his children and populate the Earth.


Tsunami really is one of the biggest forces in nature. Capable of a lot of destruction.





Thanks to pixabay for providing the photographs.


Noah's story is really amazing. The pictures are great too. Nice post. I like how your posts have kind of a religious side.

thats pretty amazing and so dangerous aswell every person get frightnend by hearing of t sunami