in #ccslast year

Hello Splinterland Warriors!

How are you all? I hope you will be blessed and fine every day. In today's post, i will share the focus rewards of today along with two legendary cards from the focus i got one is from the Dragon family and the other one is from death Splinter.



BERIX SNAKEYE is a legendary Dragon monster from the Soulbound edition that was already shared on my blog but I got one more BCX a long time ago after upgrading this card to level 2 got long ago 3 BCX and upgraded to level 2 but not using this card in battles it is because high mana and its Range attack that can be replaced with other good monsters or high mana monsters from the melee or magic attack but using this card in some specific battles will give you a chance of winning otherwise it is not enough good for me.



SKOK DUSKBLIGHT is another legendary monster from the Death family got it today in my alt account while already have a level 2 version of this card in my main account and need one more for the resurrect ability to bring back the dead monsters in your team but got it in my level 1 account where i can not use upgraded monsters because of level 1 summoners so better to leave this card at level 1 that will help me later when the transfer is active for these cards.



The focus rewards i got two days ago but forgot to share it as you can see i got some good rewards on that day including one legendary that i shared above 7 rare cards two BCX of rare life monster and 5 BCX of the death Summoner along with some other cards and enough merit you can see so the rewards were not bad at all.


The focus rewards of today with the gold league from my main account with 6 loot chests where i played a few battles and boosted the loot chests while some rewards were made by a bot so got nothing good from today's focus rewards but only one card 7 BCX and rest of the loot chests for potions and SPS.


The rewards of Silver League are here where i got one legendary card and one rare card summoner and the rest of the loot chests for potions same as the above rewards but the legendary card made these rewards better for me.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali