The Magical Benefits of CBD Oil

in #cbd7 years ago (edited)

A naturally-occurring chemical present in both the Hemp plant and the Cannabis plant, CBD oil (short for "Cannabidiol" Oil) has been used for its beneficial therapeutic effects in treating a vast range of human ailments for millenia amongst various and diverse civilizations worldwide.

Aside from its use in successfully treating such maladies as glaucoma, blood pressure, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cancer as well as externally treating skin conditions a la poison ivy and acne, the use of CBD oil has also been tremendously effective in treating and ameliorating the symptoms related to a variety of mental illnesses among which include Anxiety, OCD, Depression, Bipolarity, Autism, and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), a condition common among military Veterans who, at last estimate, are committing suicide to an astonishing tune of 22 per day!

With this knowledge in hand, I knew precisely what steps to take when my teenage daughter approached me earlier in the year and explained to me how she had begun experiencing seemingly out of nowhere, as she described to me, racing, uncontrolled thoughts and brain fog.

That's when, as a single dad, I took it upon myself to dive headfirst into researching her specific mental condition in an effort to pinpoint what affective (emotional) disorder she might have, and what remedies -- homeopathic, natural remedies-- there might be to give her, as I was absolutely adamant about her NOT taking any form, any sort of synthetic pharmaceutical or opiate that could later prove addictive or even potentially fatal.

Long-story-short, I was able to narrow my daughter's condition down to Anxiety.

I had heard about CBD oil as it related to treating physical or physiological problems, but did not know whether it might possess any efficacy with regard to psychological maladies. Doing just a tad bit more research, I discovered that indeed CBD oil was actually remarkably successful in treating particularly Anxiety, Depression, OCD, and PTSD, among others.

While in search of an appropriate remedy using YouTube, the Universe delivered the company My Daily Choice into my personal reality.

I proceeded to order a bottle from My Daily Choice for my daughter. She began taking the oil sublingually, and after about a week or so began to feel better. Some four months later, I am happy to report that she's doing much better, feels better, and hasn't had a Panic Attack since I started her on CBD oil back in April. I'm also happy to report that I have my daughter back!

I also learned while researching the company that My Daily Choice specializes in the manufacture of organically harvested hemp grown on Kentucky farms from which its line of HempWorx oil and other CBD-infused products, to include sprays, creams, and even pet treats, is produced.

As one who became a single father of four once my wife passed away, I had always sought a means, some vehicle that could afford me the freedom to work from home while supporting obviously my family, and helping at the same time to offer and provide to the world what is truly a remarkable super nutrient that can quite LITERALLY transform and quite LITERALLY save lives. And I happened to have come upon this chance thru my daughter's trials to become a Paid Affiliate with My Daily Choice as part of a major network marketing opportunity to help deliver a magnificent product to others in need.

The way I look at it, it's a win-win proposition: You empower yourself, you can then help to empower others.

If you by chance are looking for an opportunity to get in at ground level with a medicinal phenomenon that is at present in its infancy, and stands to become as epic as the Personal Computer did back in the 70s and beyond, then this opportunity to become a Paid Affiliate with the company My Daily Choice may just be the type of vehicle you've been looking to get into.

*To watch my video about the benefits of HempWorx CBD oil and my teen daughter's personal experience with it, click:

*To browse our line of products of oils, sprays, creams, and pet treats, click:
(Note: Click OUR PRODUCTS. If on a smartphone, click MENU--> OUR PRODUCTS)

*To become a Paid Affiliate with our company and add an extra stream of income, click my video below:

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