If you have a big picture, you will live a small life!

in #cause4 years ago (edited)

Regarding the pattern, a netizen explained it very well: Those with a lower pattern only care about themselves, insisting "I want to win, but I want everyone around me to lose";

The upper one in the pattern will take care of others and believe in "I want to win, but I want everyone around me to win together";

The person with the highest pattern has long been aloof, "I don't care if I win or not", but because the vision and strength are in place, although it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you will never lose.

The pattern determines success or failure. Throughout the ages, there must be a big pattern for those who accomplish great things.


  1. How important is the pattern?

Regarding the pattern, there is such an image metaphor: life is like a pool, and your pattern determines how deep and big this pool is.

If your pond is only square inches in size, no matter how much water you pour into it, the pond will soon be full.

There is also a story that has similarities in the same way: a teacher mentioned a famous saying by Zeng Guofan in class, "Those who seek big things first focus on the pattern."

The student was puzzled.

The teacher held a pot of peach trees and said to the students underneath: "The flowerpot is that big, and no matter how much the peach tree grows, it can't grow more than a foot."

After speaking, he took the students to the house, pointed to the lush peach tree in the courtyard, and said to the students: "This peach tree has enough space to grow arbitrarily."

The importance of the pattern can be listed countless, but the most important point is that the flower pot determines the growth space of the peach tree, and the pattern determines the ceiling of your life.

  1. Then what determines a person's pattern?

01 The height of the realm

Some people, they are the world, the world is themselves, they live only for themselves, and they seek their own personal interests. Such people are limited to the fetters of "self";

For some people, the world is the "circle", and the "circle" is the world. They only live for small groups and seek the benefit of a few people. Such people cannot escape the shackles of the "ego";

Some people, the world is others, and others are the world. They live for the people, are full of ambitions for the people, and seek the benefit of the people. Such people have reached the state of "selflessness".

The core of the pattern is "for whom", and the big pattern must have great consciousness.

02 Breadth of Mind

There was such a story:

The businessman Shri Qiao originally had a prosperous business. For a while, he suddenly found that the business had become slack, while the business of his competitors had become hotter.

After investigation, it turned out that an operator of the telephone exchange took advantage of the competitor and took all of Shrijo's business there. The employees asked Sri Qiao to sue the boss and the operator who was selfless.

But Sri Qiao was not eager to retaliate, but thought of another business opportunity-how to realize automatic call transfer. So, he consulted many experts, conducted careful discussions, and finally invented the world's first automatic telephone exchange.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. When you encounter vicious competition, you will inevitably lose out. The best coping strategy is not to retaliate against your opponent, but to strengthen yourself.

The ancients said: "You can tolerate a villain, and you can become a gentleman." People who have the world in mind have a big structure and will not be confused for the gains and losses of one thing.


03 Depth of Thought

Some people have a "shallow level" in their thinking. They are not lacking in cleverness and wisdom, but they are not deep enough in their thinking. Facing the ever-changing world, they are often complacent and satiated;

Some people’s thoughts reach the “transparent layer”. They have historical thinking, strategic thinking, dialectical thinking, and bottom-line thinking. They can grasp the key points of things and grasp the laws of things. In an uncertain world, find the right direction, distinguish right from wrong, and make correct decisions.

The essence of the pattern is "think more deeply." The big pattern must have great wisdom.

04 The width of the horizon

You can see as far into the future as you can reach.

National Go player Ma Xiaochun once said: "When an ordinary player is playing chess, he only needs to see the next few moves, while a master player has to see at least 20 moves."

The horizon depends on the angle. Some people use "right angles" to see a fan of the world or a side of things;

Some people use "wide angle" to see not everything, but it is wonderful;

Some people use the "full angle", they know ancient and modern, have a broad vision, and see the whole world.

The big pattern must have a big vision.

Former French President Charles de Gaulle also said: “Where the eye goes, it is the place successfully reached. Only great people can achieve great things. They are great because they are determined to do great things.”

05 Attitudes in the face of grievances

Before the First World War, Germany was quite strong, because the "iron-blooded prime minister" Bismarck and King William I, the pair of partners, cooperated tacitly and worked together. But what is unexpected is that King William I often became angry after handling government affairs. His face flushed.

At this time, the queen would ask him "Are you angry with the old man Bismarck again?"

The king responded angrily: "Apart from him, who else can make me angry?"

The queen was puzzled, "Then why do you always get angry with him? And don't punish him."

William I sighed and explained in detail:

"He is the prime minister, below one person, above 10,000. He will suffer from the anger of many people below. Then where does he get angry? He can only come out on me. It's okay for me to be wronged, the country It's fine."

The size of a person's situation depends on how much grievance he can bear and his attitude towards grievances. Those with a small structure cannot tolerate the slightest grievance. They always put themselves first and only think of personal interests, and they will be burdened by grievances. Depression and hesitate; people with big patterns don't, they will laugh it off, even transform potential energy, and move forward in grievances.

Greatness is all made out of it. After swallowing grievances, crushing grievances, what is born new is your pattern.


When you have a big picture, life always has to return to a small day.

In an ordinary life, be at ease and live your own little life well. No matter how trivial you are, you will not lose the pattern, which is the best ending. Your pattern determines where you will eventually go; your life determines how you are Go down.

On the road of life, one is indispensable.