Caturday Cats Eyes
Our cats have the best life! They have food and watet on demand. They come and go as they please, although we do try to keep them indoors because of other feral cats, and neighbours who don't like cats hanging around. To be honest, I'm not a fan of cats running roof at 2am either.
Magggie is our black panther and escape artist. She's not very social unless she's in one of her safe areas, being on our bed, or on her cat castle. If not there, she won't say hello, except if she's really in the mood to. She has the quickest claws around, and she's not afraid to use them.
Charlie is chilled. He'll say hello anytime, any place. He hangs around us and lies on the chairs next to us. But he doesn't like being held much. He'll endure it for a while, but will let you know when time is up.
Despite their differences, they get along just fine most of the time, and respect each other's spaces. Both have no-go areas, and defend them if the other intrudes, much like us humans....
We could probably learn a lot from cats.
Have a great weekend!!