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RE: Monday, June 24, 2019

Aww, the cats say thank you for the compliment @whatisnew ;-) Yes, today it's already too hot for blankets again lol. And it will only get warmer every day. For now, it's just hot, and not humid, which is great. Also no high winds.

Everything you say about your migraines sounds so familiar. I can relate so much! It's awful to have them last that long... Mine last exactly 3 days, although the pain is decreasing on the 3rd day and easier to cope with. I also feel exhausted and totally drained for a day for two after that.

Like you, I have many triggers as well. The weather is a big part. Especially with high winds. The other is physical activity. Even slight activity causes a migraine. Smells, heat, noise, bright lights, blinking lights, stress, being upset and hormones are also common triggers for me. It's basically everything lol. I had to stop working in 2012 because I had migraines every single day while working.

It all started when I was 6 years old. But up until I reached my mid-20s, they didn't last as long and would stop after a few hours, even if they were really bad. But when I reached my mid-20s, they started lasting longer and longer until it was exactly 3 days. They also happened so much more frequently. So now I'm at home, and I do much better compared to when I was still working. Now I do have phases where I don't have them every day, or just maybe 1 or 2 a week, which is already good for me.

I'm so sorry you are having to deal with migraines too, especially these long-lasting ones.

I hope the weather will be alright for you and your migraines give you a break for a while ;-) Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

It's been nice to meet you too!


Hi! OMG! Your migraines began when you were 6 years old?!?! You poor thing. And getting them every single day is just too unbearable for me to imagine. 1 or 2 a week sounds horrible too. I usually get mine 2 times a month. You were talking about smells, noise and lights. Me too! I went to an allergist and was given every single test (I think there were 75 things to test for) and I was told that I am not allergic to anything even though I had all of the symptoms for allergies, but he diagnosed me with having Hypersensitivity Disorder. I have never heard of that one before. He told me that I was basically allergic to life. Oh, my brother's wife gets migraines every single night at 8:00 PM on the dot. Her doc said it was because she had sleep apnea and was not getting enough oxygen to her brain. I could go on and on about our debilitating migraines. I had to stop working 15 years ago because of my migraines and other health problems.

I also wish you many breaks from your migraines. If I don't see you posting, I will know why and vice-versa. Take care! : )