Cat Intelligence and Behaviour VII

in #cats7 years ago


Cat Fears

‘Scaredy Cat’ might be a term we have all heard once in our lives. When it comes to dealing with cats that are scared in the household, there is a great necessity to reassure a cat and gradually ease its fears. Cats that are struck by fear and phobias may be able to face and overcome these issues through owner assessment and interaction.

When a cat is exhibiting signs of fear, its nature will become very timid. It’s best to avoid any further aggravation by remaining passive and patient. Remaining on standby, in a calm and perhaps more soothing manner will help to alleviate the situation. Opportunity will eventually show itself when a cat approaches for attention. It is best that the household be kept from any disturbances in this period to avoid further scares. New visitors, pets and any loud or sudden changes can be contributing factors.

The most important element of solving fear problems comes in the way of proper identification of the root cause. Understanding what cat fears will help to devise a strategy that will assist the cat to move on from its trauma, phobia or dislikes. This is no easy task, close observation is often required and at time, specialist treatment may be needed to help discover the underlying problem. This is especially important where a cat exhibits emotions of fear on a daily basis which is highly stressful and a detriment to their health.

After discovering what a cat has an issues with and suffering from, the solution is trivial. Complete removal of the root cause to start a recovery process which seeks to reinstate a cat’s confidence around the house. Reassurance during this period is key to help build confidence of a cat and return to form for social interaction and a healthy lifestyle.

There are times when the cause of fear is not so easily removed. This fear can be something as simple as transportation in a pet carrier. Drastic measures are never advised, instead, small doses in moderate intervals will help a cat realise that what they may fear carries no threat all. Cats will begin to realise that they have nothing to be afraid of and eventually overcome their fear. Often words and strokes of encouragement are good tools to help reassure a feline as it is tries to overcome its fears. A treat or two also goes a long way in the world of cats.
