My Cat (Prince). What do you think, is it interesting..??? 😍
I found love in wildlife but the cats are most interesting to me.
This is my cat & his name is Prince. It's adorable & wild too..
It loves to stay with me, I love to care too.
When prince playing balls like circus animals, it is interesting to see..

When i observe cats and understand the feelings of cats. It's really great. 😍
There are approximately 60,000 hairs per square inch on the back of a cat and about 120,000 per square inch on its underside.
How it can possible to count? 😲
The largest breed of cat is the Ragdoll with males weighing in at 1 5 to 20 lbs. The heaviest domestic cat on record was a neutered male tabby named Himmy from Queensland, Australia who weighed 46 lbs. 1 5 oz.
Thanks for share, I didn't know these informations..
The first cat show was in 1871 at the Crystal Palace in London.
Kitties are so much fun. Thanks for sharing.
Yes man...
Have you any kitties? 😍
Sadly, I'm not allowed to keep them where we are living at the moment. Hopefully soon we'll be able to have kitties again.