🐈 TOP 10 Things You Should Never Do to Your Cat!

in #cats8 months ago

TOP 10 Things You Should Never Do to Your Cat

Wanna see the things you must never do to your cat if you want her to be happy and healthy? There are things cats hate and I pointed out the top 10 you should stop doing immediately.

TOP 10 things you should never do to your cat:

  1. Never hit or yell at your cat.
  2. Keep strong chemicals away.
  3. Say no to forced interaction.
  4. Don't neglect prevention and health.
  5. Never pull your cat's tail or paws.
  6. Always provide fresh and clean water and food.
  7. Don't neglect attention, play, and mental stimulation.
  8. Don't impulsively buy plants.
  9. ignore your cat's routine.
  10. Never leave your cat in a small and noisy space.

Wanna see more? The video guide provides you a quick view. For more check the article at:

Healthy Pet Systems

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