Our Buddies, Fiona and Bodie

Part 2 - Bodie (aka Hoss, aka El Jefe)
Fiona filled a great emptiness in our life. We took her camping every time we went. She wasn't a great traveler but we put up with her. In the summer of 2015 we took a two week camping trip around California with the trailer… and Fiona. It was a great relaxing experience and Fiona did great as she always had but it was time to go home.
I always like to have a day to recoup after I get home from vacation and this was no different. Veronica and I were in the back yard doing some cleaning and pruning. Veronica had the clippers and was cutting a Wisteria that had gone crazy when all of a sudden she noticed a kitten sitting up looking at her. The site of the kitten didn't scare her, what scared her was how close she had the clippers to it.
We have issues with feral cats in the neighborhood. Without a dog to keep them out they tend to spend a lot of time in our backyard. Apparently one had a litter and this kitten was abandoned.
Houston, we have a problem.
We really didn't want a second cat but we couldn't turn our back on it. So we took it in and tried to feed it milk with an eyedropper. The kitten didn't want to eat and it broke our hearts. Veronica thought the kitten was starving and not too far from death. I don't think it was that close but it still wouldn't eat. But we kept trying and did finally manage to get it to eat.
It's quite apparent where this story is going. We have another addition to the family.
This time we took a look and sure enough it was a male. We had to come up with a name. Veronica came up with Bodie that I really liked. There is a ghost town in California called Bodie. This is a good name for a male.
We (mostly Veronica) got Bodie nursed to good health and joined our family. A tabby, he was one of a million. He's become one of a kind.
After a couple of visits to the Vet, Bodie got fixed and a good bill of health. He is a year old now and quite a big boy. Fiona looks malnourished compared to him but for a kitten he is pretty mild mannered. He is the yang to Fiona's yin. They are complete opposites and manage to get along well. After a year, Bodie still jumps up on my chest when I'm in a recliner and lays there with his face right under mine. But I think he's a mommas boy as Veronica tends to deal with him a little better.
Bodie doesn't "do" walks on leashes like Fiona does and really doesn't know what being outside is all about. He is a great travel companion and helps with calming Fiona down during our trips. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But at least we don't have to contend with both at the same time.

It took quite some time for Fiona to come around and accept Bodie but she finally did. I feel good that she has a companion to play with. We still play with her and Bodie but they can now amuse each other when we've had a long day.
If you missed part 1 of this blog you can find it here.
I want to thank you for taking a few moments to read my post!
They're both gorgeous, and I'm glad to hear that they eventually became friends. I wonder if Bodie is at least part Maine Coon, as he has the tufty ears. There's a pic of our Maine Coon on my intro, though the angle means you can't see his ear tufts very well. If Bodie keeps growing for 4 years and ends up enormous and with a ruff, there's a good chance he is.
I never considered him being part Maine coon. There is a lot of things I didn't mention in the post as I didn't want it become boring. The reason for his knick names is because he is a big one for being a year old. He is thick and stout and sitting next to Fiona he makes her look small and frail. So you might just be on to something!
I'll be interested to see more photos as he develops.
They are so sweet!
I agree! Thank you!