in #catholic8 years ago (edited)

Bro. Fernan B. Presillas


A. AUTHORITY - Latin: Auctoritas from Auctor - to increase

B. APOSTLE - Greek Apo- fro/ Stellein - to send
Greek Apostolos - “A person sent forth” (Jn 20:21; Rom 10:14-16)

C. CHURCH - Greek: KYRIAKE, “belonging to the Lord” / “things own by God”

D. GK: KYRIAKON - Non- Living Church
- Lord’s House- Ps 100:4; Jn 2:14-17; cf. 2Chr 7:11-16

German: KIRCHE / Spanish: IGLESIA / English: CHURCH

- Living Church-1Pet 2:5, 9, 25
- Supernatural Organization Founded by God (cf. Dan 2:44; Rev 5:10)
- A Divine Society (cf. Mt 16:18; Acts 2:46-47)
- The Mystical Body of Christ (cf. Eph 5:23; 1Cor 12:12-29; Col 1:18)

F. MAGISTERIUM - From Persian or Iranian root-word “MAGI”
(WISE) + suffix STERIUM

G. Latin: Magistra / Spanish: Maestra / English: Teacher


A. AUTHORITY - Moral power to allow or not to allow; to prohibit or to permit.
- Power or Right to Command
- Make Final Decision (cf. Sir 5:3)
B. MAGISTRA - Student and Teacher Relationship
- Teaching Authority
C. APOSTLES - The original members of the Church founded by Christ; the first disciples sent forth to continue the mission of Christ's Priestly, Kingly and Prophetic Office (cf. Mt 28:18-20)
D. CHURCH - Vatican II Definition refers this to the People of God, that is, the “Mystical Body of Christ” (cf. 1Cor 12:12-13, 27-28)

Note: Church Magisterium is thus understood as the Teaching Authority of the Church.


1. IMPOSED AUTHORITY    - “Obey first before you complain”
         - Military Rule / Dictatorship
2. ACCEPTED AUTHORITY - The voice of majority rules
4. COUPLE’S AUTHORITY - Eph 5:21-23
5. MASTER’S AUTHORITY to Servants - Eph 6:5-9
6. CIVIL AUTHORITY - Rom 13:1-7
7. CHURCH AUTHORITY - Mt 16:18-19, 18:17-20; 1Tim 3:15
8. DIVINE AUTHORITY - Lk 10:16; Eph 3:10; Sir 7:29


Phil 1:15; 1Tim 1:5-7; Mt 24: 4-5, 10:23-24; 2Pet 2:1-3, 10-12
Gal 1:6-9; 2Cor 11:3-4, 13-15; 1Jn 2:18-19; Heb 6:4-6; Rom 16:17-18; 
2Tim 3:5-6, 2, 1Tim 4:3-4, Acts 28:26-27.

Note: We are allowed to read the Bible but never to interpret it personally (cf. Sir 32:17- 18, 3:21, 24; 2Pet 1:20; 3:16).


  1. BIBLE. 2Tim 3:14-17; Isa 34:16 / 405. A.D. - the Bible composed of 73 books.
  2. DIVINE TRADITION. 2Thes 2:15, 3:16; 2Tim 2:2; Jn 21:25; 2Cor 13:3; Rom 15:16.
  3. CHURCH MAGISTERIUM. 2Pet 1:20; Sir 32:17-18; 3:21, 24; Jn 21:25; 2Pet 3:16; Acts 8:26-31; Jn 13:13; Mt 28:18-20; Lk 10:16; Mal 2:7; Isa 61:6; Heb 3:1; Rev 5:10; 1Pet 2:5, 9, 25; Rom 15:16, 20.

Note: Analogy of the elephant and the blind/the one eyed man.


  1. POWER TO TEACH. Christ was never a writer but a teacher (cf. Jn 13:13).
    a) He never wrote a book or made the Bible as the source of his fundamental teachings nor as the sole guide in the teaching ministry of the apostles. What he did was to establish a teaching institution so that people belonging to his flock or those to be called upon, may listen his voice through the teaching authority of the Church (cf. Mt 18:17-20; Lk 10:16; Jn 10:16).
    b) Christ commanded and sent forth his Apostles to the Israelites (cf. Mt 10:1-4).
    c) Then make disciples to all nations (cf. Mt 28:18-20).
    d) He promised to be with the Church till the end of time (cf. Mt 28:20).
    e) In the Name of Jesus, God the Father sent forth the Holy Spirit to be with the Church forever (cf. Mt. 14:16).
    f) The Holy Spirit promised by Christ will guide the Church to the whole truth and to what Christ have taught them (cf. Jn 14:26)
    g) The Holy Spirit will guide the Church even on things to come (different Councils and Synods of the Church: Jn 16:13; Acts 15:1-19).
    h) The power to teach was handed down by Christ to the One, True Church He founded, and not to the 33,280 conflicting Protestant denominations worldwide today (cf. Rev 5:10; Rom 15:16; 1Pet 2:5, 9).
    i) The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth to teach all nations (cf. 1Tim 3:15; Eph 3:10; 2Tim 2:2; 2Cor 13:3; Mt. 28:18-20).
    g) His ministry to save souls will go on through the Church he founded even without the presence of the Bible (cf. Eph 5:23; Acts 46-47).
    Eph 5:23: “Christ is the head and the Church is His body and he is the Savior of the Church” (KJV ).
    Acts 2:46-47: “Praise God for having favored His people… and the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved.”

Apostles were also priest and Bishops.

  1. St. Paul: “to be a minister of Christ Jesus among the Gentiles, with Priestly duty of preaching the Gospel of God so that the Gentiles may be offered up as a pleasing sacrifice, consecrated by the Holy Spirit (cf. Rom 15:16, 1:1, St. Joseph editions of the New American Bible).
  1. Judas and other apostles: “and in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the apostles, and said… Men and brethren, this Scripture has been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spoke before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus… for it is written into the book of Psalms, let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein; and his Bishopric let another take (Acts 1:15-16, 20, KJV).

Priest from Greek Presbyteros = “Presbyter” or “Priest” - one who is duly authorized to minister in sacred things, particularly to offer sacrifices at the altar, and who acts as mediator between God and man (cf. Mal 2:7; Heb 13:17, KJV).
Bishop from Greek Episkopos = Overseer / from Epi (upon) + (skopien) = to look - a high ranking clergyman with authority over a church district or diocese.

The Bible teaches that Pastors and Evangelists are also authorized to work for the ministry, that is, to teach, to govern, and to edify the Church founded by Christ.
Eph 4:11-12: “And he gave some apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors; and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for edifying of the body of Christ (KJV).

The true Pastors, Ministers, and Evangelists are Bishops and Priest. They are the true shepherd of the Church because they show respect, venerate and do minister to the saints showing their love because saints are also members of the Church. But other religious dominations show no respect and love to them which is contrary to the teaching of the Bible.
Phil 6:18: “Praying always with all prayers and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” (KJV).

Col 1:4: “Since we heard your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints.”

Heb 6:10: “for God is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love, which ye have showed towards His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints.”

1Cor 14:33: “for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Shepherd and Pastors are synonymous; pastor is at the same time a bishop.
1Pet 2:25. “For ye were as sheep going astray are now returned unto the shepherd and bishop of your souls”.
(“sapagkat kayo’y gaya ng mga tupang nangaliligaw; datapuwat ngayon ay nangabalik kayo sa pastor at Obispo ng inyong mga kaluluwa”)

Pastor- from Latin root word “pascere” - to feed
- a clergyman in-charge of a church or congregation (cf. Jn 21:15-17)

Note: One of the four evangelists, St. John the Apostle in the book of Revelation, revealed to us that he is a member of the priesthood instituted by Christ.

Rev. 1:5-6 “and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth…and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father: to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen”
  1. POWE R TO GOVERN - the Church is governed by the hierarchy of the bishops.
    • the Church is governed by Bishops chosen by the Holy Spirit to rule the Church of God.
      Acts 20:28 “Take heed to yourselves and to the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit has placed you as Bishops, to rule the church of God, which he has purchased with His own blood” (see Mt 16:18-19).

a) Among the bishops, the first among equal is called Archbishop.
b) Among the archbishop, the first among equal is called Cardinal. From the Latin word Cardo - which means “hinges-visagra” Latin- Cardinalis. Any of the Roman Catholic officials appointed by the Pope to his council. Principal chief.
c) Among the Cardinals, the first among the equal is the Pope.
d) Among the 12 Apostles, St. Peter was the first among equal (cf. Mt 10:1-4).

  • this is called the primacy of St. Peter.
  • Greek- Primos-meaning first.
    e) St. Peter’s appointment as the first Pope is of Divine Origin.
  1. In the OT time, God spoke unto the Fathers by the Prophets
    (cf. Heb 1:1).
  2. In the NT time, God spoke unto us by his Son Jesus Christ
    (cf. Heb 1:2).
  3. God revealed to us through prophet Isaiah that a father be given a complete authority under the descendant of David (Jesus Christ, Lk 1:31-33). He will be like a father and he will have keys of office, what he opens, no one will shut and he shuts, no one will open (cf. Isa 22:21-22, GNB ).
  4. St Peter was the fulfillment of the prophesy; the first Pope with the keys of authority handed down by Christ the Church founder.

Mt 16:18-19 “and I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Confraternity - Douay).
Peter in Greek PETROS is a masculine form from PETRA “rock”. In Aramaic the name meaning “rock” is KEPHA; in Greek it took the form KEPHAS: “Keys,” a symbol of authority. Peter has the power to admit into the Church and to exclude there from. He has complete power within the Church. To bind and to loose, seems to have been used by the Jews in the sense of to forbid or to permit; but Mt 18:18 as well as Mt 16:19, requires a more comprehensive meaning in heaven God ratifies the decisions which Peter makes on earth in the name of Jesus Christ.
The gates of hell are the hostile or evil powers. Their aggressiveness and force will struggle in vain against the Church. She shall never be overcome. She is indefectible. And since she has the office of teacher (cf. Mt 28:16-20) and since she would be overcome if errors prevailed, she is infallible.


Latin English
PETRUS PETER Mt 16: 18-19

P.O.P.E. = Peter, Ordained, Priest, Elder (1Pet 5:1, DV )

The priests are the true ministers of God:
Isa 61:6 “you yourselves shall be named priest of the Lord, ministers of our God you shall be called” (SJE, NAB ).
Mal 2:7 “for the lips of the priest are to keep knowledge, and instruction is to be sought from his mouth, because he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts (KJV).
Rom 15:16 “to be a minister of Christ Jesus among the Gentiles, with priestly duty of preaching the Gospel of God so that the Gentiles may be offered up as a pleasing sacrifice, consecrated by the Holy Spirit (SJE, NAB).

Note: Father in Spanish is Padre/Gk.Papas
Italian - Papa and the fulfillment of the prophecy comes from the revelation of Christ Himself as revealed in Mt 16:13-19.

Mt 16:17-19 “And Jesus answering said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosened in heaven.

  1. POWER TO SANCTIFY - Jn 20:22-23; Eph 5:26-27; 1Pet 1:15-16; Heb 12:14
  • Only God can sanctify us. Sanctification is a supernatural gift from God to man through which a person is made pleasing to God. The grace received brings a person into friendship with God which result in the sanctification of the person.
  • The power to sanctify that belongs to God alone was handed by Jesus to the Church He founded through the 7 Sacraments:
  1. Baptism - Jn 3:3-6; Rom 6:1-4; Mk 16:15-16; Mt. 28:18-20; 1Pet 3:21; Gal 3:26-28
  2. Confirmation - Acts 19:6; 2Cor 1:20-23; Acts 8:14-17
  3. Eucharist - Mt 26:26-28; Lk 22:19-20; Jn 6:25-66; 1Cor
    11:23- 30, 1Cor 10:3-4, 16-17, 1Cor. 5:7-8.
  4. Confession - Mk 2:5-7, 10; Jn 20:21-23; Lk 13:5;
    2Cor 5:17-20; Ecc 5:6; Sir 4:26, Sir 38:9-10; Mt 16:19, Mt 18:17-20.
  5. Extreme Unction - Mk 6:12-13; James 5:13-15
  6. Priesthood - 1Pet 2:5, 9, 25; Rev 1:5-6; Rev 5:10; Rom 15:16; Heb 3:1, 7:11-12; Gen 14:18; Mal 2:7; Isa 61:6; Sir 7:29.
  7. Matrimony - Mt 19:3-6; Eph 5:21-23, 28-33; Rom 7:1-3; 1Cor 7:38-39; Wis 4:3-6.
  • without sanctity no one can see God face to face (cf. Heb12:14)

  • let us be Holy (cf. 1Pet 1:15-16)

  • members of the Church must be Holy (cf. Eph 5:21-27)

    This triple power was handed by Jesus Christ to the Catholic Church before the completion of the Bible, as recorded through the voice of the church history before other religious dominations come into scene.

No other Christian Church can claim this triple power before the Bible was made except the Catholic Church that existed during the New Testament time. Other religious sects opposed this claim without basis.

All existing churches have their own history, if Christ was not the founder of the Catholic Church, then who? No documentary evidence can disprove this claim with evidence. The Catholic Church was the one who made the Bible as proven in its history and origin.


  1. Christ is the head of the Church - Eph 5:23; Col 1:18; 1Cor 12:12-13, 27-28
  2. Christ and the Church cannot be Separated - Eph 4:3-5, 12-16
  3. Christ and God the Father is one - Jn 10:30, 17:15, 20
  4. Perpetual Presence of Christ in the Church of Christ till the end of time - Mt 17:18- 20, 28:20
  5. Abiding Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church of Christ - Jn 14:16, 26, 16:13
  6. God’s Wisdom to be preached through his Church - Eph 3:10
  7. Listening to the Church Teachings is Listening to Christ - Lk 10:16; Mt 18:11-18
  8. The Church is the Pillar and foundation of Truth - 1Tim 3:15


  1. The Church is imperishable - Mt 16:18
  2. Christ constant presence till the end of the world - Mt 28:20
  3. The Church will remain as the institution of salvation founded by Christ until the end of the world - Acts 2:46-47
  4. Unconquered stability built on a rock will continue to exist and to stand till the end of time - Dan 2:44; Mt 7:24-27
  5. The Church founded by Christ is one and everlasting attested by the Eucharist - 1Cor 11:23-26
  6. The Indefectibility of the Church lies in her relation with Christ, who is the founder of the Church, the invisible Head - 1Cor 3:11

Note: It is wrong to say that the Church founded by Christ in the 1st Century was apostatized and that Joseph Smith of 1830 and Felix Manalo of 1914 were instrumental of its re-establishment. This is a grave insult to Christ, its Founder, and an insult to God the Father who is one with Christ. It will appear that the prayer of Christ for St Peter, the first Pope, is not effective for the Indefectibility of his Church - Jn 21:15-17; Lk 22:31-32; Jn 11:15, 20.