Catalonia Independence Voting info here! Censored in Spain, and the world?

in #catalonia7 years ago

Catalonia Independence Voting info here!

Catalan News Reporting:

“The world of electronic communications does not have borders,” Catalonia’s president said

The official website of the independence referendum to be held on October 1 ( stopped working on Wednesday afternoon, after the Spanish police delivered a judicial order to the web domain company ordering its closure. Immediately afterwards, the Catalan government launched two new websites with the same content

English (

and Catalan

A banner reading "Independence Now" is carried as thousands of people gather for a rally on Catalonia's national day 'La Diada' in BarcelonaA banner reading “Independence Now” is carried as thousands of people gather for a rally on Catalonia’s national day ‘La Diada’ in Barcelona, Spain, September 11, 2017. REUTERS/Susana VeraCatalonia vote informationA banner reading “Independence Now” is carried as thousands of people gather for a rally on Catalonia’s national day ‘La Diada’ in BarcelonaRe-post so that all can have access to this information while they are trying to censor the voice of the people of Catalonia!!!

Providing voting information here:
Providing voting information here:

Presential vote

How do I know where to vote?

Shortly the Government will release the details on the polling stations to be used for the 1st October Referendum.

What are the voting times?

Voting begins at 9 am on the 1st October and continues until 8 pm on the same day, without interruptions, although if there are any voters remaining inside the polling place, they will be allowed to vote.

If there are any interruptions, the closing time will be extended by as long as the voting was interrupted (no longer than one hour).

How do I identify myself to vote?

At the voting place, you may identify yourself by:

  • National Identity Document (DNI)
  • Passport
  • Driving Licence

These documents may have expired, but they must be originals (never a photocopy) with a photograph.

Can someone vote for someone else?

No, in no case can anyone vote for someone else. The vote is personal and non-transferable and may not be delegated.

However, voters who are not able to read or because of a disability are unable to pick up a ballot paper, to choose an option, or to place the paper in a ballot envelope and submit it to the voting point officer, may be accompanied by someone of their confidence to help them with the voting process, from the choice and formalisation of the ballot paper, to hading it to the voting point officer.

Vote by catalan electors residing abroad

What do I need in order to be able to vote if I permanently reside abroad?

If you reside abroad you must be legally entitled to vote and be on the Register of Catalans residing abroad of the Catalan Government.

If I fulfil these requirements, what do I need to do in order to vote?

You will receive a communication from the electoral administration of the Catalan Government allowing you to apply to exercise your right to vote.

Electors choosing to exercise their right to vote will receive information and the relevant documents to be able to vote. These will include a personal identification document of and their ballot paper.

Once I have received the necessary documents, how can I exercise my right to vote?

You will be able to vote only by post, by sending a C4 (A4) envelope to the address provided in the information that you will have received. You will also need to include the personal identification document, a copy of your Spanish ID or passport, and a sealed C5 or C6 envelope containing the ballot paper.

What are the deadlines?

The documents and ballot paper must be received at the address that has been assigned to you by 8 pm on 1st October 2017 (Catalan time).

1-O Overseas voting: frequently asked questions

1. Who is on the electoral roll for overseas voting?

The electoral roll for overseas voting includes those who meet the political condition of Catalan, reside permanently abroad, and are registered in both the Spanish Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA) and the Catalan Register of Catalans residing abroad.

On the other hand, they must be 18 or older on 1st October 2017.

2. When was the electoral roll of Catalans abroad closed?

The electoral roll was closed on 6th September at the time of the signature of Decree 139/2017 calling the Referendum on Self-determination of Catalonia.

As such, those who received confirmation of registration in the Catalan Register of Catalans residing abroad before 7th September are on the electoral roll for the Referendum.

3. I registered in the Register of Catalans residing abroad before 7th September but I have not received the electoral information.

If you registered in the Register of Catalans residing abroad before 7th September but have not yet received the email with the electoral information, the following may have happened:

  1. You registered yourself without providing an email address.
  2. When you registered, you provided an email address used by more than one person on the Register.

If you did not provide your email address or the one you provided was a shared one, you must urgently contact the Registry of Catalans residing abroad ([email protected]) attaching a copy of your Spanish National ID or passport and providing your email address.

4. I received the email and accessed the data validation screen but, after several attempts, I was blocked, what can I do?

We recommend that you change your browser (use, preferably, Chrome or Mozilla) and try to validate your data again.

If the page is blocked, you must bear in mind that the identity validation data must be identical to that which you provided to the Register of Catalans residing abroad. If you do not remember this information accurately, you need to do the following:

If you have used up the four attempts, contact urgently [email protected] and request a certificate of registration by attaching a scanned copy of your Spanish National ID or passport.

NOTE: If you have already obtained the certificate of registration in the Register of Catalans residing abroad, you will soon receive a new communication in order to gain access to it.

5. I live in a country where there are no C4 and C6 envelopes. What envelopes should I use?

The instructions that you received include the sizes of these types of envelopes, so please try to adjust as much as possible to them. They are the following:

  • Large format C4 envelope (324 x 229 mm, to insert an A4 in it).
  • Small C6 envelope (114 x 162 mm to insert an A4 folded in half twice).

Please bear in mind that the small envelope must fit in the ballot box on 1st October in order to follow the procedure specified in article 22.1 of Decree 140/2017, of 6th September, on supplementary rules for the realization of the Catalan Self-determination Referendum.

6. Should the envelopes be of any particular colour?

The colour of the envelopes is not specified but it is preferable that you use a white one or similar.

7. I am not a Catalan residing permanently abroad but on 1st October I will be abroad. Can I vote?

The electoral roll for overseas voting includes those who meet the political condition of Catalan, reside permanently abroad, and are registered in both the Spanish Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA) and the Catalan Register of Catalans residing abroad.

On the other hand, they must be 18 or older on 1st October 2017.

If you do not fulfil these criteria, you can only vote in person in the municipality in which you are registered.

8.****I am a Catalan residing in a Spanish municipality outside of Catalonia and I want to vote, what can I do?

As in any other elections in Catalonia, only those who maintain the political condition of Catalan can vote in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia:

  1. Spanish citizens legally resident in Catalonia benefit from the political status of Catalans or citizens of Catalonia. Their political rights are exercised in accordance with this Statute and the law.
  2. Spanish citizens resident abroad whose last legal place of residence was Catalonia also enjoy, as Catalans, the political rights defined by this Statute; their descendants, who maintain this citizenship, shall also enjoy these rights, if they so request, in the manner determined by law.

9. Do I really need to send the electoral documentation to the address that appears in the instructions that I received?

Yes, you have received the correct instructions and, therefore, you must send the envelope with all the required documentation to the address which has been provided to you.

10. If I you have been on the Register since 2014 with an ID card or passport already expired, do I have to attach the original ID card/passport or the new one in order to vote?

At the time of sending the necessary voting documentation, you must attach a copy of the ID card or Passport that you have used to validate your data and, therefore, with which registered, even if its validity has expired.

11. How to find out if I am registered or not.

To check your registration, please contact [email protected] attaching a copy of your ID card or passport and stating your email address.

Accessible vote for visually impaired

There will be voting papers ready for the visually impaired.

In the absence of these papers, the presiding officer at the voting point will assist the visually impaired with the necessary steps for an impartial vote.

The visually impaired may also be accompanied by someone of their confidence designated by the voter to help them with the voting process, from the choice and formalisation of the ballot paper to submitting the ballot to the voting point officer


More on this topic at these steemit timelines (re-steem this post if you love to do a service to the peoples voice of Catalonia! Also could use a translation to Catalan :)

by mistake i have resteemed that 1st post. but dont worry i have resteemed this one too. May this post get equal result as its valuable content.

Thanks @hmax this one for the peoples voice of Catalonia, the voice of any people can not be censored!!!

exactly. everyone has right to speak.

CATALONIA IS SPAIN: some politicians want an illegal secession from Spain, ILLEGAL FAKE VOTING!

Imagine that Babaria in Germany wants to separate from Germany, or that Provence wants to separate from France, or California wants to separate from the USA.

Do you think that Germany, France or the USA would allow such secession to happen?

Obviously not, because they are integral parts of their countries, the same than Catalonia is an integral part of Spain since the times before the Roman Invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.

If such an attempt of secession would happen on those countries, they will apply the law to stop it and the police and even the army to enforce the law because that is the reason of being of the police and the army.

That's exactly what is happening in Spain, the law, the Spanish Constitution and the orders from the Judges are being applied to stop an illegal voting instigated by the insurgent regional government in Catalonia.

The police is closing the places where the illegal voting is attempted and seizing all the illegal material, but the police are finding resistance and violence from some people with wounded people and police as result. The police need to use the proportional force when required to complete the work that the judges have ordered them with to enforce the law.

Catalonia is an integral part of Spain and it will always continue to be, that is not negotiable.

In the S.XX the secessionist took us to a Civil War, we are now heading to a similar situation so a future second Civil War in Spain is unfortunately now possible. We hope that this time the international community, Europe, and the UN supports the democratic government of Spain to reject the insurgent secessionists and avoid war.

Catalonia already had an autonomous government with more powers that the government of Scotland have

But what the politicians from the Catalonia region want is not self-governing, that they already have, but complete secession from Spain and that is utterly impossible.

Spaniards are very friendly and peacefull people but we cannot allow some local politicians to execute a secession are steal part of Spain from all the Spanish people.