Journey into the future, spanning 3,000 kilometers

in #cat7 months ago

Hi everyone! :) Here’s the story of one real-life journey.

One day, my loved one and I realized that it was time for a change. Despite having a stable income and a normal life, we felt like we didn’t quite belong. This feeling of unease, as if something important was slipping through our fingers, pushed us to make a decision that would change our lives.

Before leaving, our thoughts were filled with conflicting emotions. An inner voice, trying to talk us out of it, whispered that we were leaving behind everything familiar and comfortable: our favorite places, friends, and routines that had become part of us. Was it worth risking what we had for the unknown?

But at the same time, another voice, the voice of inner freedom and the desire for change, wouldn’t let us rest. It reminded us of the dissatisfaction that had settled in our hearts for so long. Despite the stability and comfort, something was missing. We felt like we were living someone else’s life, as if we were out of place. It was like invisible chains were holding us back, and we couldn’t bear it any longer.

We thought about how life is too short to stay where you don’t feel truly happy. Change is always scary, but it also brings hope for something better. A new path full of possibilities, new experiences, and new adventures was opening up before us. It was a chance to start fresh, to explore new horizons, and finally find that place—the right place for us. So…

We decided to change countries. But before we could settle into our new home, we had another adventure ahead—a nearly 3,000-kilometer road trip. With us came our most demanding cat, for whom even a short trip to the vet always turned into a drama.

We packed the car with the essentials (everything else was sent by mail) and carefully secured the cat carrier. Then we hit the road. At first, as expected, the cat protested with dissatisfied meows, but after a few hours, he gave in. To be continued...