If ever you have asked why this GREAT ENIGMA! The answer is simple, but very interesting.

Veterinary expert in cats Pamela Perry, graduate of the prestigious Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. It clarifies that "the cats invest between seven and twelve hours a day in grooming and taking care of their personal hygiene". For this reason, you should not worry about whether your pet is spending a lot of time licking itself, only if it has skin lesions or bald spots on its belly, back or paws.
In those cases, the most typical causes of this attitude may be stress, lack of attention, illness due to allergies. For more information and instant help you can go to a veterinarian so you can help your pet.

Cats usually lick to cool when they are hot. It is a relaxation method, in an intense activity or a stress situation that is removed to a quiet place where nobody bothers and licks them a good time. This is one of the reasons that motivates mothers to lick their puppies and how something everyday can happen that is triggered between adults as a symbol of friendship or brotherhood.
References: https://www.tiendanimal.es/articulos/mi-gato-se-lame-mucho-a-que-es-debido/ https://www.hogarmania.com/mascotas/gatos/comportamiento/201009/lamen-gatos-7087.html
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Cat paws act as tempetature regulators, shock absorbers, hunting and grooming tools, sensors, and more
You're right, my friend! haha my cat always has cold legs and ears, not counting the innate agility of those animals. I used to have a dog that was my best friend, but cats are amazing animals!
Cats have the largest eyes of any mammal.
Grown cats have 30 teeth. Kittens have about 26 temporary teeth, which they lose when they are about 6 months old.
Wow, I had no idea! Although I did realize when I was losing them. She was from my neighbor and more than once I had to lower her from the roof when she was very puppy. Then one day he went to the house and he never left again.
Every time you masturbate God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens.
JAJAJA the bad guy can not be me! I do not promise anything.
Many people in China consider cats a "warming" food that is perfect to eat during the winter
In China they eat cockroaches, traffic in organs of political prisoners, eat dogs, grasshoppers, rats, mention that they also eat cockroaches? I can not take those people seriously!
Cats' hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.
and also his vision night of the most efficient mammals