Meow Power: my cats

Helloyyyyyyyyyy friends, how are you? I dedicate this space to introduce you to my cats. My loyal companions.
This is Cronos
His name comes from the Greek god of time.
This is Uranus
Uranus is the Greek God of heaven. His eyes are blue, that's why the name.
How it all started?
One day I was at home and I went out to wash the dishes and it was a surprise that I took 3 small cats in the house, you could tell they were not used to people, they looked at me with fear and even looked like they wanted to attack XD.
Over time they grew and Cronos had the rare habit of jumping on the living room furniture and Uranus only thought of food, then my mother baptized them with the following names: Cronos called Saro because of a platonic love I had long ago ( the girl was called Sara), it sounds stupid and Uranus called him Meow as the Pokemon, the months went by and they became hunters in such a way that they not only ate cat food, but everything = O (better not even ask) To this day, they continue with me sometimes when I have time to play with them for a while on the floor.
Here much of his antics XD
Hacker Cat
Sleeping in the shovel
thanks for you Attention!
Meow : 3