Do cats bring happiness?

in #cat7 years ago


What I like most about Istanbul is that there are so many cats on the streets. This is sometimes annoying because not everybody is good-hearted. I lost so many cats here because people poisoned them. I dont know how they can do this. Cats are completely harmless. Yeah, İ have so many scratches on my hand but hey they dont know that they hurt you. They just wanna play!


And is it just me or they are good for our health? Whenever İ feel bad, I just go outside and find a cat.(Finding a cat is really easy here ). And it just makes me feel so good. Some people find this stupid. "How can a cat help you to feel better?" I actually dont know the answer. Maybe it is just the love I feel for them. When I feed or pet a cat , just hearing its "purrr" is enough to make me happy. What do you think about it? Am İ really weird like people say? Do cats bring happiness?



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Outlook good

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I think cats bring both happiness and a sense of calm to most people. I know some people don't like them; much of the time with that, you find a person who is only interested in themselves.

I have heard about the cats of Istanbul, and even saw the "Kedi" documentary film... I think it is rather wonderful that a city has (mostly!) integrated so well with cats everywhere.


That's so nice that you think like this. Thank you 😊😊

They bring happiness to me, I have two of them :)

I just checked your profile. They are so cute 😊😊

Thank you gokcebayraktar :) I hope your cat recovered!
And you are not weird for loving cats - I also thought that before :)
But, I realized that you can't be crazy if you love another being, you deserve a compliment!

Wish you and your kitty all the best! See you around ;)

Im glad that you also feel this way. Thats so nice. Thank you 😊😊