Cashless Sales Rising Not Only In The UK

in #cash4 years ago

Over the last several months there have been many more people who are looking to pay in a cashless exchange, rather than using regular fiat cash. Some businesses or delivery services etc, have even gone so far as to ban or stop accepting cash transactions for a limited time because of COVID-19.

Square recently released a payments report that indicates cashless transactions are on the rise across the UK right now.

It has been estimated that less than 1 in 4 payments are being made with cash, that's a clear decline compared to levels seen prior to COVID-19. Digital payments are climbing not only in the UK but also in other areas as people have sought to opt for alternatives to fiat during the COVID-19 situation.

But some businesses vow to always take cash.

They realize that for some individuals they just simply prefer to use cash, or they don't have a traditional bank account and that is their only option etc; there will be some who are dedicated to always accepting that form of payment.

But for others, in NY and other regions, some businesses have sough to prevent cash payments by only accepting digital forms of payment. But the government eventually insisted that those businesses must accept cash payments even if they don't want to.

Various legislative efforts have sought to move against any suggestions of a cashless society, making moves that either prevent such a scenario from taking place or like they've done in NYC with forcing businesses to resort back to taking cash when they don't want to.

A cashless society might not be coming as quickly as some suspect for the simple reason that there are too many people unwilling to change that payment method. But COVID-19 has definitely prompted more to engage in that cashless behavior now, with buying many of the things that they need online, as we see in the UK during COVID-19, and in other areas, cashless payments right now have been on the rise because of it.
