Here's to never growing up!

in #cartoons8 years ago (edited)

Hello planet Steemit! Again, my name is Mila! Check out my first video if you haven't seen it yet, it will be linked below! So I wanted to start by explaining my name here @rockandrollgummybear.

First of all, I love rock and roll, most people are surprised by that (I'm not sure why) I also am sweet and love glitter and the color pink! So while I will do no harm..I will also take NO SHIT lol.

I love cartoons! What's your favorite cartoon?? When I used to live with my folks, they would always come home and say" why are you watching Disney channel, Mila, you're 25" lol I firmly believe you're never too old to enjoy something simple and silly that makes you smile or laugh. What is the harm? So I tell them "why do you watch the news? It's so sad and full of misinformation. "

Needless to say, they would back off. Only to ask me the same question again the next day lol

Favorite cartoons!! GO...
Adventure Time! This show is about a little boy and his dog. It's full of imagination and creativity for the adult world. While it may seem like a kids cartoon, it is thought provoking, yet simple. The colors get me every time! Damn my child like sensibility! Very bright colors! I love this, it makes me instantly feel great. There is an entire episode where the pair become part of the food chain, it's a thought provoking episode about what you would be part of the food chain. Say if you were a flower! This show is incredible!

I could do a list about all my favorite cartoons! I will save that for later!

I just wanted to say, don't be afraid to love what you love, and how you love it! Yes I get reidcule for loving cartoons and Disney channel shows lol However, I don't care. Do what makes you feel good. That happy, positive energy you put off will come back to you ten fold! Also cartoons are fucking awesome!

My video!
