My Comment Is Worthy Of My Vote But Your Article Is Not!!!!!

in #cartoon7 years ago (edited)

What is the one of the more frustrating thing on

To me, it is when someone upvotes his or her comment without upvoting the article the comment was posted in.

This, in my view, is the epitome of selfishness. It exemplifies the old mindset of taking without giving. Here is someone who reads an entire article, one that most likely took some time for the author to think up and put together yet it is not deserving of an upvote?

Naturally, many articles are not worthy of a vote. Upvotes are for quality content. However, it is ironic since we often see the person self-upvote a comment that is rather short and doesn't really add to the conversation. So obviously quality content wasn't a criteria.

One of the guidelines for downvotes is those occasions where one feels another is unfairly taking from the reward pool. "Unfair" is a subjective term so it is up to an individual to decide if this action is worthy of a down vote. Nevertheless, voting power is precious and, personally, I would rather use it for more positive purposes.

Therefore, @overkillcoin came up with an ideal solution. He created a drawing that we can use in such instances. It is rather comical in nature but gets the point across. Each time you see this situation arise, simply answer the individual's comment with this drawing.

One of the best parts of is there are no administrators monitoring behavior and banning people. Policing the site is up to the community. Here is a way for those of us who find this behavior counter to what we are trying to accomplish and to combat it.

What are your thoughts?

If you found this article helpful, please give it an upvote and resteem


I'm guessing this happens most on post where the creator is generous and usually upvotes comments. So, I bet you see this more than most. It has happened a few times to me and I'm excited to see this picture around and use it.

Random question, what other blockchains are you impressed with. I think your thoughts on steemit and how powerful it is are insightful and was wondering if you other projects you loved as well. I would love to hear about them.

I just wrote a post about my other passion...Manna...a crypto to end world wide poverty.

Bitshares is another that I am very high upon...I have money in that.

EOS also looks good...I have no money in that one.

There is a decentralized search engine that is going through its pre-ICO and ICO (I dont put my money in ICOs so I am just watching) and is beta testing with 1000 looks very interesting...I cant recall the name at this moment or I would share it.

I like what BAT is doing although I am a bit put off that it is a centralized.

Of the major ones....BTC will continue to get Wall Street money and lots of development so that is going up in my opinion.

LTC, I like better than BTC, since I am a huge Charlie Lee fan.

ETH is solid although I dont own much of it...I think it will be a mainstay.

In reading the White Paper, even Appics looks appealing.

Thank you. I'm also a big fan of Charlie Lee. I think he truest is looking out for what is best for the crypto world. To bad he gets eaten alive for a lot of his choices. I wish people could see that he is just being real!!!

This is good info. I'll do some research on these projects.

That search engine is Presearch. Awesome project with some very community driven leaders. Now if they follow through with their plans is another thing but it's a good start tot be sure.

I admit I upvote my own comments but then again who does not its all an even playing field correct? If I can do it so can anyone else and if steemit did not want me to do it then it would not be offered. But yes you should at least upvote the article if you spent the time reading it and enjoyed it.

A big difference between someone who upvotes his/her own comments, especially for visibility, and one who does it without upvoting the article.

This takes on different meaning if you write a comment that supports the article which many do. I mean, if you blast the article because you think it stinks while upvoting your comment, that is a lot different than omitting an author upvote while posting great article I really liked it.

It is so annoying and I am so happy you pointed this out in this post. It has happened severally on my post where very short and often meaningless comments are upvoted but mine is not. Yes I would support any move to stop this very selfish attitude, it is so unfair. Thank you for sharing.

This!! 👏🏻 Must admit though, being a newbie - at first I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. So that aside - yes, people only liking their own comments bugs me. As does getting spam from a woman, wearing not a lot - offering to give out her number... not really what I was after on a sunset post :)

Love the drawing - will definitely use that bad boy.

I'm wondering how it would feel to be on the receiving end of that amazing sticker. Here's me upvoting my own comment, without upvoting your article.

To me ,any act of selfishness should be address urgently .people doing such a thing don' t even understand what they are doing.Can you imagine if all the whales decide to be self- centered ,then what a mess is this great platform.Any act of selfishness should be discouraged in all ramification because i found out that the sustenance of this platform is greatly embedded on sharity ,love .So nobody should be allowed to destroy what the whale has been laboured for through thinking ,and even did sacrifice if need be in order to turn his vision into reality.

In some way those who has invested a lot of money should decide themselves what is fair? After all it's their money.while that is said I never liked you can self upvote your own comments. Article self upvote should be enough IMO.

I hate being the devil's advocate on this on because I feel where you are coming from but here is a situation where this could be "forgivable"
I, for example, use steemvoter in order to save time and give the people I'm following a steady supply of upvotes even if I'm not online( I still do manual curation before anybody freaks out).
In this context if I spend a lot of time writing that comment and I see there being a ton of comments already written, I wouldn't want mine to disappear without it being read.
If I gave myself a small upvote ( just to get a bit ahead and not remain at the bottom) before the automatic upvote comes on that particular article then I might appear like a scumbag. But I now that my upvote will come and I don't give it a second thought.
I hope that particular situations makes sense.
I wish you a very productive and awesome New Year! Chear man!

Thanks for the comment @calatorulmiop.

Upvoting oneself for visibility is generally as accepted as a valid reason for self voting. You are correct, there are times you want to jump to the head of the comment section because you are knowledgeable or passionate about a particular subject the author wrote on.

I think that is a big difference from one who continually upvotes oneself to the exclusion of the authors...which you state you support via an automated upvoter.

There is a big difference but I just wanted to point out a particular situation where I could upvote myself before the post.

Lol! @overkillcoin is genious, gotta save that image myself.

There's also another thing, I once wrote a huge comment on a post, didn't even think about getting a vote but I was passionate on the topic and disagreed with something said.

I argumented, justified my opinion, and then the author replied "Thanks for the Comment" and upvoted that comment of his by $5.90 leaving mine unvoted.

I wasn't thinking about the vote, but NOW I was thinking about it! Now I felt I deserved it... pissed me off and I'm not one to be pissed over votes.

Talking about good content, your blog inspired me to write longer content than I did before, and I find it we sometimes write complementary topics so I'd love to see you there more often. It's an invite to stop by my "home" one of these days :)


I do so, if the user did not vote for my post, I practically never vote for his comment. Those rare cases of exceptions, these are comments of my familiar people. This needs to be told to new users. I, I will say more, comments of this kind, can be called spam. Huge happiness to you in 2018.

Я так и делаю, если пользователь, не проголосовал за мой пост, я, практически, никогда не голосую за его комментарий. Те редкие случаи исключений, это комментарии моих знакомых людей. Это надо рассказывать новым пользователям. Я, скажу больше, комментарии, такого рода, можно называть спамом. Огромного счастья Вам в 2018 году.