
Haters gonna hate. You keep up the good work.

@dan You are doing valuable work no matter what OS "project" you are working on.

In the OS space there is only one team and one project that benefits the whole Universe. Sorry to see people who are asleep to that and only focused on their little sliver of OS.

What we are collectively developing is nothing less than a universe - the Blockchain Universe. Bitshares, Steem and EOS are planets in that universe at specific stages of development. Everything has value because they demonstrate varieties of possibilities for future creations. (from my post ... Philosophy of the OS Universe - by a Blockchain Social Scientist)

Naw. He needs to downvote facts. And for the record, the risk to reward ratio for me saying this is definitely not in my favor considering past experience.

The facts are unacceptable, but this risk may be a big step to win. @fuzzyvest

You kicked him out Bitshares. Vitalik et al basically kicked him out of ETH because he didn’t want them to do an ICO the way they did it. ETC is political hot potato, so he found funding and is happy running IOHK with many PhDs which you are not.