First Two 21+ Shops Coming to MassachusettssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cannabis6 years ago

Almost 3 years after the residents of MA voted YES on legal cannabis, the local government signed off on the final paperwork to open the first two 21+ cannabis shops in MA. It's been a long 2+ years, waiting for the laws and paperwork all to be worked out, it was starting to feel like it might never happen.

The first two 21+ cannabis shops will be in Northampton & Leicester MA. I imagine the prices are not going to be cheap with only two stores in the whole state on MA but it's a start and I imagine many stores will open across the state. I'm just happy to see movement and momentum moving forward. I'm sure as stores open up across the state, the prices should start to fall a bit.

I'm just really happy to have the option of a 21+ pot shop in my local area. It's nice to have the luxury of picking out your smoke, having options and not playing all the games that comes with " street cannabis".
I'm really happy to see legalization in general, in my area or anywhere in the world. The concept of criminalizing the common use of this plant is dark age thinking. I can't wait till we live in a world that has 100% legal cannabis, allowing us to make full use of this amazing plant mother earth has gave us. I can't imagine how many innocent lives and families have been effected by strict, outdated laws, any step away from that direction is a positive thing in my eyes. really gives power to the common smoker in ways we've never seen and might even help with this goal of global cannabis legalization. The amount of cannabis based projects that can spawn around the world will be mind boggling. Cannabis based projects and culture will have HUGE support that it never had before with We've got a chance to help push the cannabis revolution forward with this type of system.

All this really makes me amped up for the future and cannabis culture. I see places all around the world changing their views and I hope it spreads like wild fire.
These shops will be the first 21+ cannabis based shops on the East Coast, United States. This is a huge step the the American cannabis legalization revolution. It's honestly one of the very few things America is doing right at the moment. Having 21+ pot shops opening up in the heart of New England, the place America all started. Is going to set a HUGE example for the rest of the country.

I see total legalization in the United Stated within 5 years. Canada's recent push for full legalization will only make the pressure even greater as states who legalize the plant rake in serious cash. I see the old walls that held cannabis back falling under the weight of these various situations.

I can honestly say I never thought I'd see the day cannabis was 100% legal. If you asked me that 15 years ago I would of called you crazy. It's insane how fast cannabis culture has been accepted in various places all around the world.

I'll try to visit a MA shop ASAP after they open up and make a post about the experience. It's going to be a great day !

Till next time, keep smoking