Something stinky
The cannabis situation in the UK has always been up and down.
One week, there will be nothing but Cheese around, then the next, nothing but Amnesia about. And im not just talking in one city.
Last week, I manged to get some Tangerine Dream and i cannot rate it anything less than 9/10. It was perfectly fluffy covered with crystals. It wiped the floor with the stuff in Amsterdam.
Today, ive managed to get some NYD (New york city deisel).
Its not been cropped very well, however it has one of the strongest smells ever. Nice and dry so it has puffed out nicly.
Whats the best bud you have ever had/tried?
@BUDMAN loves a bit of ak48. Super lemon haze is pretty tasty to mate!

I love super lemon as well buddy. First one i bought when i landed in Amsterdam. Very rare that it comes around here though (UK) :(