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RE: How To Meditate On Cannabis - Soul Revealing Meditation Technique

in #cannabis8 years ago

So interesting to see how different people have different techniques and experiences with meditation and cannabis. The combination of the two goes back very far in time. In fact, meditation and cannabis are similar in that they both can turn the gaze inside and can help make the mind 'visible'. That being said, after many years of practicing meditation, using cannabis and combining the two, I would NOT recommend people to use cannabis for meditation unless they are somewhat experienced meditators and cannabis users. Meditation can help us take a deep look at our mind and our(-)Self. But at the same time meditation can take us for a hell of a trip through the darkest places of our mind. Cannabis multiplies both, the ability to see the mind from outside and actually listen to it, and the possibility of being carried away big time. Inexperienced people might not handle this very well. Please consider this before trying.