Cannabis can help, but what about the Herbicides?

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

I'm an avid smoker of Cannabis myself, i have a decade plus of experience of smoking. I've gone from smoking growers cash crops, to the lowest grade of quality, moving onto growing my own with putting next to no additives to the soil and it being a natural process.

Plant growth hormones used to regulate the growth of cultivated plants, weeds, and in vitro-grown plants and plant cells; these manmade compounds are called Plant Growth Regulators or PGRs for short. Some side effects from long term explosure can include,

Carcinogenicity--ability to produce cancer or to assist carcinogenic chemicals.
Mutagenicity--ability to cause genetic changes.
Teratogenicity--ability to cause birth defects.
Oncogenicity--ability to induce tumor growth (not necessarily cancers).
Liver damage--death of liver cells, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Reproductive disorders--such as reduced sperm count, sterility, and miscarriage.
Nerve damage--including accumulative effects on cholinesterase depression associated with organophosphate insecticides.
Allergenic sensitization--development of allergies to pesticides or chemicals used in formulation of pesticides.

Here's an article for signs & symptoms of toxicity overload in the body

Cannabis can find it hard to break down herbicide and pesticides meaning we end up smoking the molucule in the plant.

When it comes down to it, no one knows truly what is going into commercial or other peoples grows, i think this is a serious issue in today when weed is so hyped around legislation meditation etc,

@thecleangame did a similar post about Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome(CHS) is Azadirachtin Poisoning, which made me feel the need to spread more awareness into this topic. Also regarding to organics.

Thanks for reading! Take care


Awareness is Key!

Thank you, @smid2k, this is very good information for people to be aware of. Cannabis is a flower and behaves differently than fruits and vegetables. It absorbs and holds onto things in ways most non-flowers do not. Since we don't normally smoke or eat flowers, this process is not well known to people.

Nearly all of the existing data on the 'safety' of pesticides, according to how quickly they break down, is incorrect when it comes to cannabis. :(

The easiest way to get clean cannabis these days? Grow it yourself. :) Legally becoming an option in an area near you soon. ;)

Australia is far away from it but medical cannabis for terminally ill patients is slowly coming through.
Although i like to think i grow some killa Kandy Kush during summer here with no nutes. :-)

Thanks for the reply and great information once again.

organic all the way in my eyes

Problem is some organics can also be hard for the plant to break down as well, i think best is compost from old scraps (possibly organic)

Azadirachtin is organic. @smid2k is correct as well, it is difficult to create an amended soil where things break down at the same rate. Cannabis is a hyper/dynamic accumulating flower, not a fruit or vegetable. There's a significant difference.

In a perfect world, organic would be totally awesome for cannabis. In reality, it's significantly easier to grow clean cannabis using hydroponics and refined mineral nutrients. What isn't easy? Learning how to properly use hydroponics to grow clean cannabis. ;)

Everyone swears my hydro is the best organic they've ever tasted. :)

And i wish i was your friend growing up, take care @thecleangame

dude , organic will be absorbed the best, the plant dosnt actually break down anything , its the bacteria in the soil, creating avalible nitrogen(nitrite) off memory., google the nitrogen cycle if you want a better explanation... (spelling but i dont giv a fuck)