Does Packaging Matter In The Cannabis Industry?

in #cannabis6 years ago

I have been buying cannabis at dispensaries for many years now and we are now witnessing the moment where branding in cannabis is going to be similar like alcohol. I always see these nice bottles of liquor that scream high status. Cannabis is getting to the point where packaging is essential and most companies are already on board or about to be due to regulations (California).

The point of the video is to ask a question of whether packaging gives a false sense of quality and if it alters your perception of it as well. There was a blind study of two brandies, E & J and Christian brothers. They had people try both brandies, one time being with the bottles present, another time with just cups. When bottles were present, the people chose E & J because the bottle was much more extravagant. And when it came to the liquors being in a cup, the other brand was chosen as the better tasting.


Christian Brothers:

E & J: