True Story: The Chunky Peanut Butter Long Chill
As part of my blogging efforts, I decided quite early on that I would leave a breadcrumb trail of interesting information and wild adventures for the younger generations of my family to find, day.
I envision it being like a virtual time capsule (in blog form) for them to discover.
~ Eventually, like when they’re all in their forties, have been through some shit, finally figured out that most suffering is self-inflicted...and can handle it.
And if they can’t handle it...(and I’m talking to a couple specifically (here) Dear Reader, so please bear with me)... it’s completely ok to medicate.
(The rest of the family does and that’s how they handle it. Lolz!)
Now, hopefully what I am about to explain next, will help you All to understand just where things went off the rails and how we’ve ended up, with the state of affairs, that is today’s reality, from my vantage point.
The man standing beside me in this photo is my father.
Just so everyone’s comfortable, we’re going to refer to him as: Grandpa Chill.
Check-out his t-shirt.
We don’t get to see each other very often because of geographical distance, so to make it fun for us, Grandpa Chill decided to wear a shirt advertising what the most popular strain of cannabis was, the year I was born.
(...Because he’s a cornball and he’s proud.)
San Rafael ‘71.
This is Grandma Chill....maybe more like Grandma No Chill-Fireball.
(She gave me permission to use this picture which is current (September 2019). She’d been to a Downton Abbey party because of the movie. See kids, no moss will ever grow on your Grand or your Great Grand (if we’re that far back, by the time you read this.)
(It also came with her request to read this post entry when I was through...She likes to handle her own delicate laundry, as do I. Lol!)
She’s a true Sativa.
Don’t burn unnecessary daylight by wasting it or grow moss, kind of energy. Let’s “get on” with whatever “on” is.
Grandpa Chill is more of a true Indica.
He really enjoys “methodical precision” and appreciates details. He likes to really take his time and relax into “understanding how things work” before he takes action, kind of energy. Let’s just take our time and do “it” properly, whatever “it” is.
(And now you understand why Grandpa Chill has had another Grandma Chill in his life, for most of mine. ;D)
For the sake of this episode, we’re just going to focus on Grandpa Chill.
(Maybe, I’ll write a Grandma No Chill episode in the future...if I survive this one.)
Grandpa Chill:
He’s 20 years older than I am.
(I have given him most of the white hair you see on his head and my two sisters 5, and 10 years younger, finished him off. (Your mother and your other Auntie, respectively.)
Now, he wears socks and sandals at the same time.
I have to take full responsibility.
I gave him the socks...
On the day he came to visit.
Just like the shirt he chose, because I wanted to make it fun for us.
(...I’m a cornball too, (thanks to him) and proud of All of my parents.)
Alas, the apple never falls that far from the tree.
I’m thankful for: the sense of humour...without the full beard.
(If you could inherit this level of body’d be grateful and counting your blessings too. Fingers crossed for all of you.)
I do have to leave some room here on the beard-thing.
I mean how could I not address that almost white elephant in the room?
(Sigh) It’s just a thing Grandpa Chill gets himself into every 25 years, or so.
This is is the 3rd generation of : I think I’ll grow strange hair on my face.
We’re into the second or third season, this time round.
Fashionable facial hair on men just keeps reoccurring like a strange smell in the air.
There’s not a damn thing any of us women can do, except enjoy it or, wait it out.
The first version was in the 70’s.
He looked just like Cheech Marin with the exact same moustache.
That’s why I bought him the Cheech and Chong socks.
My parents are hippies and the herb was just part of their young married life.
I was about 5 when I learned what hot knives were for.
Grandma No Chill and Grandpa Chill kept finding their hot knives laying out, with obvious evidence of kid no chill repurposing, very apparent.
(Embarrassing to them, when caught by the eyes of unexpected company.)
We were vegetarians.
Many people in my parents’ generation were. We ate a lot of peanut butter which they would buy through a food co-op.
It wasn’t like luxuriously smooth, well blended peanut butter, sweetened with sugar.
It was like thick chunky, muddy cement...complete with 2 inches of standing peanut oil on top of it.
To blend all that in (before you could spread it on anything) meant you had to exert some physical arm strength.
At 5, that was a procedure.
I was 3 feet tall.
The jar might as well have been a 55 gallon, barrel drum, full of crude oil.
I had watched these special knives being heated on the stove top and then easily melt little brown squares that just looked like hard clumps of dirt to me.
(I was supposed to be asleep but had gotten up and wandered into the kitchen to have a drink of water.)
I wasn’t allowed to even touch the stove but I was allowed to open drawers and cupboards so, on another occasion, I watched when Grandma No Chill put these interesting knives away. (Completely, unbeknownst to her.)
I had noticed that they weren’t as nice as our other knives, and that they were kept really far back in the drawer.
That detail, seemed to have something to do with the fact you could get these knives hot and that was...ok.
I noted how well they could manipulate what looked like dirt to me. Manipulating my thick peanut butter was just as difficult and just as messy a job, I thought.
As a result of my observations and basic conclusions, I was making a regular habit of dragging a chair to the kitchen sink, so I could use the hot water to heat one of the special knives. Then, I was tackling the thick cement that was “our” peanut butter.
Big splotches of water, peanut butter oil smears and one blackened knife (a little on the crusty-side) obviously used and out of storage.
Evidence A: the handiwork of kid no chill.
It was way easier to manipulate the peanut butter and I can remember feeling quite accomplished.
It was the first time that I had hacked life, to make my experience better.
Then, Grandpa Chill had to tell me that I couldn’t use the chill knives just yet...he told me that they were used to cut and cook a herb that only grown-ups eat and like...not kids.
You’ll just have to wait until you’re big and then I’ll teach you more.
Grandpa Chill made sense and we never talked about it again. I respected the family knife code and we figured out another solution for manipulating the peanut butter.
That was, until the other day, when he showed up wearing the t-shirt. (It was all part of it).
It was the longest Grandpa Chill Indica chill, to date.
One that’s been chilling for the last 42 years.
“Today’s the day, Bec!” “I thought I better teach you how to grow the herb and how you’re suppose to use those knives.” “Without the peanut butter goop.”
In an Instant, I was 5 years old again and he looked like Cheech. We were right back where that conversation left off.
We shared a couple of tokes.
Grandpa Chill was joking (of course).
“Oh good!” I said. “Just in time, Grandpa Chill.”
(I didn’t really call him Grandpa. I know better.)
If you don’t learn from your experiences (the first time round) then, you might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.
“After the peanut butter, I waited for about 10 years...that’s when my 50% Sativa-No Chill- factor really started to kicked in.” I said. “I needed it, so I‘ve already started to learn a thing or two.”
Then, I took Grandpa Chill into the backyard.
For some serious chilling!
See. A little chunky peanut butter plus some chill time and nothing can stop you.
~ Rebecca
Love love love this story! I'm of the same age bracket as your folks and I can was a very chill time to be young adults.
Good on all of your parents for raising such an intelligent, caring and generous soul as you have become. The care and upbringing shows <3 <3. I'm also very grateful for your sense of humor, as I can't laugh about pounded beavers and button pushing with anyone else, so Kudos to all!!!
Hahaha! Thanks @tamaralovelace!
It is only with love that I write about all my parents.
My husband and I decided not to have kids so what I create is mainly for my nieces and nephews to happen upon one day. I thought I’d tell them when I’m 80 or so. It’s my long chill for them.
No pressure, but I’m their really really crazy Aunty and I think that obligates me to live up to the title. Lol!
(I hope my parents feel the same way. ;D )
Yes, you do have obligations to uphold! I'm sure they will be entranced when they start peeling back the layers and you may one day be the object of blockchain stories they regale their readers with. I believe your parents will be totally in agreement with you lol
Well, after 48 hours, all my parents are still talking to me...good sign.
Made them all laugh. Now waiting to see what they do as a direct result.
One thing I have learned from these hippies, they make time to be creative and have fun. At least they did when I was 5....why would that ever change?
I don't think that will ever change:) that's the beauty of it lol. Maybe they'll join the blockchain and regale us with tales of your life lol...turnabout is fair play lmao
Such a lovely fun story Rebecca 🌼🌲❤🌳 I always enjoy the down to earth raw and comfortable feeling i get by enjoying your blog posts. Stay cool ☕🐞🌾🍃
Awe....what a lovely thing to say @yogajill!
Thank you for taking the time to do that.
I think good fun, should be shared so everyone can smile. ;)
I enjoyed reading your story but have no idea what the knives are for...
Newb! lol.
Thanks for your wonderful posts.
Hot knives are for hash @cannawriter.
You cut hash into small squares. Then you heat 2 butter knives until the blades glow red. (People used the burners on a coil element stove or a torch to get the knives that hot.) Then, you touch a hot knife to a tiny silver of hash and squish it between the 2 knives while you inhale the vapour coming from the smouldering hash.
It’s what people did before dabs. Very popular in the 60s and 70s. ;)
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What a fun story and such a lovely idea for your kids! :)
Thank you for reading and commenting @jaynie!
I didn’t have kids but both my sisters did. I wrote this piece for my nieces and nephews because I have a really crazy Auntie title that I am striving to hang onto.
(I think it will be really cool for them to find as adults.)
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What a beautiful and happy family you have ther Rebecca. Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us, we really appreciate you, and always have. :)
Awe...thank you.
I feel this.
That’s part of the reason why I’m still contributing to the community.
2 years at level 68. Lolz!
Even I’m getting nervous about what’s going to happen the moment I turn 69.
You have some amazing looking plants :) I still remember the day that I picked out the two Tahoe OGxOG plants that eventually became the grandma to Steem OG...
I also found the Inca Gold that was used to create the Santa Rita OG (mom of Steem OG), then Jon bred them and then did a sibling mating to stabilize the genetics and create the new strain.
It is really cool to see how well you did with those seeds tho :)!
Very cool @vipservice!
I am looking forward to trying her.
Our weather (in the part of Canada where I am) has got a harsher climate than the west coast. I germinated at the beginning of January (it was -30 C or -22 F).
I am a still a novice grower. I’m on my 6 or 7th grow....only the second outside.
My point is the genetics have been strong enough to overcome a lot of factors; including producing flowers in a cold climate with a shorter outdoor season.
Well done to both you and Jon.
Our temperatures have dropped substantially at night now and that corresponded with when I started feeding for flower (a month ago). She gave me a strong Cali finger and turned a lot of her leaves yellow.
(I keep telling her that she’s my favourite and she’s coming around.)
I will keep posting pictures as her cones continue to develop. I think she’s going to have an interesting colour.
Nice to meet you. :)
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