Americans Wake n Bake More Than Any Other Country in the World

in #cannabis7 years ago

If you’re like the majority of Americans who smoke weed, you might smoke two joints in the morning before you smoke two joints at night. A survey published in May by the Global Drug Survey showed that Americans wake n bake more than any other country in the world.

The report was compiled from data take from almost 120,000 people in 50 different countries, and partially focused on patterns of consumption. Other focuses of the study included purchase patterns, price, and different methods of consumption.
One of the most noteworthy of findings in the study include the little fact that Americans are lighting up in the morning more than anyone else. The survey showed that 21.9% of Americans who smoke herb, do so within 5 minutes to an hour after waking up. This is some 3% higher than any other country in the world.

North America seems to take the prize for stoners getting their morning smoke on. Mexico comes in at a close second, with 18.4% of America’s stoner neighbors to the south lighting up first thing in the day. Greece comes in at a cool third place at 14.9% of their cannabis consumers starting the day with a few puffs. Canada trails right behind with 14.9% of the pot population getting their day started with a toke or two.

Other countries around the world tend to wait until later in the day to light up. Although Iceland is home to the highest number of pot smokers, they came in second to last of the population who wake n bakes, with only 4.8% of them lighting up in the morning. And even though Amsterdam has been famous for their coffeeshop cannabis culture for the past five decades they came in dead last, with only 3.6% of the population that puffs is doing so in the morning hours.

Other findings in the survey showed that despite all the “new” ways to consume cannabis, more people are smoking flower than anything else. Of those smoking flower, 43.8% of people smoke a mid-grade, while 38.8% stick to “high-grade” cannabis.
Most of the world prefers to roll up a spliff, sprinkling a bit of tobacco in with their cannabis. In Italy for instance, 94% of cannabis consumers do so only when it is mixed with tobacco. In the US on the other hand, only 8% of pot smokers add tobacco.

Ever wonder how many grams are in the average joint? According to the survey, an average of 2.7 joints are rolled with one gram. Add tobacco to the mix and the average jumps to a whopping 4.3 joints per gram. When people aren’t adding tobacco to the mix, the most preferred method of consumption is out of a pipe. Blunts come in third, with 71% of people who don’t add tobacco to their cannabis rolling up blunts on the regular.

The survey’s founder, Dr. Adam R Winstock, is an addiction specialist in South London and an honorary lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. He is interested in cannabis dependency and withdrawal, as well as other facets of drug addiction. He had the following to say about the results of this global survey:

“Congratulations America. Don’t worry about your leader, fake news and the endless incredulous headlines that will no doubt follow in the coming months, it’s time to celebrate your position as the world’s most enlightened and healthy users of cannabis….In summary, American cannabis users choose the safest way of using tobacco among any country in the world…The question is whether not this is an issue or not. Are US cannabis users just happy being stoned and don’t see a problem because there is none? Any concerns of health risk are mitigated by relative safe methods of using and good levels of functioning and joy at the drug law reforms wafting across the US.”



cannabis is actually more beneficial then any other "chemical drugs" on the planet as it is not even chemical. IT'S MOTHER NATURE :)) if the chinese have been smoking it then we know it's good for us haha

Can't wait for the day Marijuana is socially accepted like other drugs that don't deserve to be legal.

The day is coming!!!

Awesome content,I love to smoke big spliff when I waking up 🙂