10 Most Well-Known Cannabinoids and What They Do (Infographic)

in #cannabis6 years ago

Cannabis produces many different compounds known as cannabinoids; some of which haven’t been detected in any other plant. It’s tough to know the exact number of cannabinoids produced by cannabis; some report dozens while others report more than 100. Some of these cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, are very well-known even among people who are not interested in cannabis, but most of the other cannabinoids are left in the dark. We have already done a post on the Top Ten Cannabinoids and What They Do but we thought it would be appropriate to compress that information and present it in the form of an infographic for everyone who enjoys shorter and faster to read posts.

Untitled-Project (2).png

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Read more:

Cannabichromene (CBC) Review - The Second Most Prominent Cannabinoid Found in Marijuana (after THC)

Potential Health Benefits of THC (Infographic)

THC vs CBD- The Major Differences (Infographic)



Very informative info-graphic. There are so many more cannabinoids than just CBD & THC and I feel like most people don't ever talk about the others.

This information is so important! It is so hard seeing many customers and patients in Colorado hunting for the highest THC potency when they don't understand that the "entourage effect" of all the different cannabinoids working together is what determines the true high and effects felt. This concept, as well as the value and importance of terpene content levels, needs to be spread to the wider market.

Many products in Colorado are focused on these lesser known cannabinoids in order to target certain symptoms. It is great to see and valuable when a budtender can speak to customer about it long enough to convey the usefulness. Thanks for sharing.

Yeah, seems to be your task to inform the customers...
yet cannabis is not a product...tho... :)
I guess that's the reason it'not so accesible for the rest of the world....

Cheerz! Stay High!

Totally agreed, unfortunately many companies are holding on to the outdated sativa/indica/hybrid concept that is arguably easier for the uneducated consumer to digest. The company I work with has based our recommendations on more on different moods depending on the terpene content levels of the flower we grow.
For better or worse, cannabis has definitely become a commoditized product in Colorado and the other legal states. There pros and cons to this for sure, but I do love not being treated like a second class citizen. Cheers friend!

Thank you for your response! :) It serves to the overall research.
Since they legalized cannabiss in Greece 2 months ago.
I am looking for companies over there, where I can start a job.
I feel the need to improve my practical knowledge! :)
Greetings from Bulgaria!

Powerful infographic, thanks. I stumbled upon an article explaining the endocannabinoid system in the body (http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/05/13/7-fascinating-facts-endocannabinoid-system/) and it made me see cannabinoids in a different light.

Hola me gusta mucho leer tus articulo, por que siempre trae información muy nutrida y detallada como se puede apreciar en el cuadro, te confieso me toco traducirla,para poder captar lo que leía no manejo mucho el ingles ...saludos ,espero seguirme informando....

Hello I love reading your article, because it always brings very detailed and detailed information as you can see in the picture, I confess I have to translate it, to capture what I read I do not handle much English ... greetings, I hope to continue informing me ....

Nice work @medicalmarijuana I never knew about cannabis usefulness until now

I'm on board...
beam me up! :)))

I didn't know there are so many different types of cannabis. Thanks for writing this informative article.

How convenient! Thank you! :)