Cannabis Is Legal In The United States Now!
Marijuana Is Legal In The United States Now!
I'm assuming it is, anyway. If the government is shut down, then federal laws can't be enforced, right?
Mr Show - Sovereign Nation
So smoke up! You can afford more weed, too, because I'm also assuming we don't have to pay taxes. This seems kind of cool.
Can we just leave the government shut down?
I won't lie. I kind of just used that title to draw you in here. It's somewhat related, though.
Since we're talking about legalization, though, let's talk about one sometimes overlooked aspect of it: by rolling out legalization so slowly, and with so many restrictions, are we just setting up an industry that will mostly be dominated by the same wealthy individuals and companies that dominate every other industry?
Here's the real title of this article, I suppose:
Is Legal Weed making the wrong people rich?
Studies have consistently shown that, while Americans in general use drugs at essentially the same rate regardless of race or ethnic background, blacks and Latinos are far more likely to be arrested and incarcerated for their "crimes" and have their lives ruined or at very least turned upside down.
Oakland California has attempted to steer justice in the right direction by putting regulations in place that at least half of the licenses given out for cultivators, processors, and dispensaries would be given to Latinos and blacks who have been arrested and convicted of cannabis-related crimes within the last 20 years. The City Council in Oakland is one of the only major municipalities with legal cannabis which has addressed the tragic reality that persons of color have been disappropriately affected by the failed war on drugs that has been waged in this country for far too long and ruined far too many lives.
Over $900 million dollars has been spent this year on the war on drugs. The US Government spends about $500 per second on the failed war on drugs.
The United States, which claims to be the Land of the Free, also has more of its citizens locked in cages than any other nation. The US represents roughly 5% of the world's population in general, but 25% of the world's prison population. Mass Incarceration also costs the government about $80 billion a year.
To pour gasoline on the fire, so to speak, this grave injustice against the citizens of the United States is far worse for people of color. Blacks are arrested and incarcerated at a rate 10 times that of whites, despite drug use in both communities being more or less equal, as I previously mentioned.
Jay Z - The War on Drugs: From Prohibition to Gold Rush
Wouldn't it be better if the government could just admit that the war on drugs is a failure, accept responsibility for the lives it has ruined, and did their best to reverse all of the damage?
We don't need regulations to tell us how much we can weed we can have on us. We don't need to waste the money paying someone to enforce rules like that, either. People were already operating grows and doing a good job getting their product out there well before this regulated "legalization" came about.
These days, cannabis stocks are all the rage and there are even articles on Forbes about them. People who already had money in the bank can use that money to invest in something that they never had to turn to in order to make a decent living under total prohibition.
If you had your life ruined by the drug war, then there's a good chance you don't really have the money to play in the legal weed game. Why? Because, with a felony on your record, it's a lot harder to land a good job. As we detailed earlier, simply being a person of color can significantly increase the likelihood that you will be convicted of a drug crime.
What's the best way to handle this injustice? Is the way Oakland is going about it? Should the push be towards true legalization? It's difficult to say. I'm still a firmer believer than any legalization is better than prohibition, but it seems as though perhaps legalization isn't going far enough to help the people who actually suffered the most from the Government's war on drugs.
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yea you'd hope they'd let everyone out of jail at least for non victimless "crimes" but apparently the military industrial complex that rules us finds that "essential"??
Cannabis is the medicine from the past for the future!
Indeed. I don't know what its like for you guys in the States but right now in Canada, CBD products are REALLY taking off. At the dispensary I work at , 5+ people a day who weren't using Cannabis products, getting off their meds and able to live again. From the golf club to the rugby club, anxiety to arthritis, a CBD revolution has begun! Can't wait to see what the other cannibinoids will reveal to us as more research is done.
Well, down here, it truly varies from state to state. What is legal in one state can land a person in prison in others. It's really quite sad. I hope legalization brings great things to Canada and that I can visit some time! I've never been. I've been to the airports in Toronto and Montréal, but that doesn't count.
Yes! Definitely!
Just kidding. Nice post bud! I upvote most cannabis posts, and this is no exception.
Haha.. I got to the exact same point of this post and thought the same.
Good skills to draw the crowd in! We have a backwards gov and won't legalise it anytime soon. Shame really but regarding your post and prohibition I agree that across the board of recreational drug use can ve tackled in so many ways better than the current situation however be proud that the USA have paved the way to that new beginning. . As long as you dont become like Portugal where they decriminalized all drugs. It didnt end too well for rehabilitation of hard drug users amd brought street dealing to an all time high.
I like the way weed had become a solid business for most dedicated growers making the statistics sit more in line with modern times. That once was a "pot head drop out growing weed to fund his habit" is now qualified to run his own business or be employed doing what he/she knows best.. Awesome right? But how would that tackle harder drugs?
haha you like that? I even used a photo of some happy white lady to draw people in.
Yeah sneeeeaky!
If you have a felony on your record you also cannot participate in the legal weed industry. Even bud tenders, which are basically glorified cash register operators have to pass a background check. SMH Thanks for spreading awareness on this issue.
You can in Oregon. As long as it's a non-violent felony and even then if it is past 7 years they don't recognize it. :) I love Oregon!

Yeah Oregon really does seem to be doing things right for their citizens. To bad they don’t get more publicly. Seems like Colorado takes all the limelight.
I think it's because they were first. It's expected. But Oregon has the best medical and recreational markets.
Yeah, it's all pretty ridiculous.
There are a 'few' communities trying to do better at allowing people with past offenses involving marijuana to partake in the new legal industry.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
What I strongly believe we need to do is simply repeal cannabis prohibition, and that's it.
I concur that "legalization isn't going far enough to help the people who actually suffered the most from the Government's war on drugs," and would like to add that "legalization" and "decriminalization" are actually just different forms of prohibition. Any form of prohibition is going to discriminate against any number of Americans, and is also primarily designed so the government can get money. They run law enforcement like a business. Not enough "crimes" being convicted equals no money for them from the private prison system. We don't need special tax structures on it for the government to get their cut. They'll get their cut with all the "new" jobs entering the workforce and paying income taxes for their revenue. We don't need to pay for a government-regulated market for it with our taxes, either. If people would like to have some sort of regulated market, that's great, and I'm sure we can figure that out without the government's help through the use of independent nonprofit organizations. Those who choose to trust their friend up the street for their medicine without going through hoops of regulation should have the right to do that as well.
There are so many reasons we should just repeal cannabis prohibition. I've been discussing these reasons for the last 2 decades, and I'll keep doing it forever, if necessary, but I'll keep it brief brief for now...

Thanks for the thoughtful comment, dude! And for fighting the good fight!
Great content, thank you for taking the time to source/discuss what is a pretty serious issue. Labelled as criminals and Incarcerated for years, meanwhile Wall Street creeps on in because they are SOOO LAW ABIDING RIGHT!?
Thanks! You know what you just reminded me of? How much I laugh when I hear politicans say that cryptocurrencies need to be outlawed or at least heavily regulated because of the risk of people using it for illegal activities. Most of what is done in the name of the dollar or other similar currencies is wholly unethical and only helps the few at the top. I just started following you, looking forward to your content as well!
It's funny, apparently the government has been shut down since Friday, I didn't notice.
My microwave works better now that the mic and camera in there isn't in use. haha.
Here in MA in some ways legalization was a step backwards from decriminalization we already had, before if you got caught with weed in the car it would be a $100 civil fine, now that it is legal they will hit you with a DUI and open container charge!
Yikes! Yeah, that's worse it seems.
The war on drugs is based on lies, deception, lots of Big Pharma $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It is also important to note that the government surveillance and invasion of sovereign Americans' privacy, has been used to go after drug dealers, rather than terrorists. The USA Patriot Act was a gift the the DEA, that's for sure.
You're absolutely right!
That's not fair, the alcohol and gambling industries spend big bucks to suppress the competition as well.
The prohibition of drugs has been ripping apart America's social fabric since it's inception. It is a policy designed and intended to suppress the poor and minorities, one government policy that actually works as intended. It has been going on for generations and it will take a few generations to heal the wounds it has caused to so many people and families. Sure people with records may still bear that burden but hopefully their children will not have to.