Are weed strains a scam?

in #cannabis7 years ago


whenever i buy weed and the dealer tells me the strain and i look it up they have some similar characteristics but they are still different, this made me think are weed strains a scam? i think everyone in the weed game could lie about the name or the strain. i don't know exactly how weed is distributed but for this I'm going to guess, i think a farmer buys seeds of seed seller and a farmer sells kilos to people and the people with kilos either sell ounces or gets some to sell for them. this is just what ive heard.

A dealer would lie because the average pot smoker wouldn't waste their time looking up the strain. at least where i live dealers are also shady af and always try to rip people off so it wouldn't be a problem to lie about the strain. They would also lie because the person they got it off lied the them

The person who sells to the dealer would lie because they are there to maximize profits. if they just had some bad bud they would sell it for 180 a once but if its something like girl scout cookies they could sell it for 230 a ounce. they would also lie because they farmer lied to them about it.

the farmer might lie but probably wont because normally the person the who the farmer sells to are some pretty serious criminals or a gang or something. the farmer would lie because his seeds are shit and his plants are meant for quantity over quality and they want to maximize profit. another reason is because the seed seller lied to them.

the seed seller would lie to the farmer because the seeds are shit and don't produce good shit and they are in this to make money.

overall i think everyone tells the truth exept for the dealer, i think the dealers normally lie. this is my opinion, I'm in the UK, where weed is legal i think most of the strains are legit.


Not a lie, some like jack-herrer or mango have very distinctive taste and smell, almost every strain actually

it might just be my area then. like today i bought some bud and he said it was lemon haze, ive read online lemon haze should taste like lemons but this just tasted like ass, some of the effects were the same but some were different.

It's not uncommon for dealers to pull strains names out of their ass when they don't know the actual strain.
Go buy it in a dispensary or on the darknet and you are a lot more likely to get the strain you want.

some are superdupa lies. A friend of mine worked in a koffieshop(the netherlands) she told me straight up. Names are not true. But maybe in the States its an different story with medical marihuana houses. They seem pretty professional to me.

Well think of it this way. Wine can be $10 a bottle, $10 a glass or $10,000 a bottle and it is pretty much just a name to those who don't know the intricacies of wine and who only drink it for flavor and for its obvious intoxicatingly effects. Most people won't care if someone says 'oh that's a 1973 chateau bordeou yada yada blah blah blah if all they are trying to do is have a nice meal or something. For weed conouseurs they say it is this special strain because it is literally a years long process of perfecting one single strain to yield a high amount of THC or the other cannabinoids and crossing perfected Indica and Sativa types will yield a special strain and give it a different look like "Blueberry" or "White Widow" and a different taste and also different effects for those who are that much into weed. For me I have always been a very rare user of weed except when I wasn't but my two main guys always had really good stuff, usually Sour Diesel or Kush variety. To me I knew good from bad and that was pretty much it. I knew good price from bad price so being in New York on Long Island and paying $30 for an 1/8 oz for some "Kush" or "Sour D" is a great price. If I were someone else, like some friends, they would be saying "use a vaporizer and buy the oil or wax and it has this much THC for $80". For me I do not drink expensive wine (I like $15 Korbel Rosé or $45 Vivo Cliqué Yellow Label Champagne) so it does not matter, so long as it gets the right effect, for the right price, and that's pretty much it. But different strains are the end product of long term bioengineering that growers and farmers have used for millenia, in the past crossing their heartiest wheat with their most bug resistant wheat, and for weed it is the ones with the highest THC and usually the biggest buds (yield), but the look and smell never hurt either. So long as the price stays sane. But being that the process is just long and not expensive to make these hybrid strains the price is usually close and now with dispensaries they will go off THC content, other Cannabinoid content, weight and whatever is trending to set the price and what they have in stock.

i don't really have a decent hookup, that's probably why they lie. i get what your saying, in the end it doesn't really matter as long as i get high but it pisses me of when people lie to me. i feel like where i live people grow weed for the yield not the THC. i don't mind it being a really bad strain but if they are charging extra because its apparently some really dank strain it pisses me off when it isn't actual that strain. normally i would pay 10 a gram of some alright strain but if they are charging me extra like 15 a gram for some good strain and it isn't actually that strain i feel like i'm being ripped off.

I prefer to use my nose and inspect the plant material before I buy it. Lots of strains are named because of the mother's that have been crossed to grow it. Once you know what a properly grown diesel, a kush and a haze should smell like, you can't go too far wrong. I try to buy the strains that smell so good to me, that I want to roll around in it. The smell is related to both the flavinoids and the terpenes in the plant. If these are right, even a lower % of THC will still produce an efficient high. Other things that can make a difference is the other foods that you have eaten about 45 minutes before you use cannabis. Ginger, chili pepper, hops, basil, mango, lemongrass, hemp seed oil and chamomile will prime the receptors in advance. This makes your high, higher and is referred to as the entourage effect.

nice opinion,i think everything where people can get extra money on,by lying,is rather "a scam",practicly every commercial is a scam,once u bought the product ,it almost every time doesn't mach the add.I thought 2,5 years ago that btc could change this,but the people use the crypto's like the old manner of the Ego:they talk about which Lamo they are gonna buy with the profits,well maybe the next generations will do better