
It is back for another vote. We sharpened the budget and refactored a few things.

Great cast with Ernest Hancock on the project-
We also put up a landing page for other people that want to contribute to the project. We will have a credits sections for all of those that helped to make this happen.

Other fun stuff here-

Sweet! If love to source you to a friend he is going to be starting to compile and make a cannabis library. If your down! And this info needs it's own library.

Sounds good to me.
Any other MNOs on Steemit that might be interested in this. Still need over 200 votes. Down the wire again. The folks that like it are very passionate about it

I'll see about getting you put on auto-vote on my accounts.

It was voted in. What is your take on Jamaican Lion^3. It's from Ganjanetics.