Support For Cannabis At An All Time High

in #cannabis5 years ago

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There are more than 30 states that have approved of cannabis for medicinal purposes, and it's been decriminalized in at least 14 different states as well. Countries like Portgual and Canada have sought to either decriminalize or legalize and it's expected that broad cannabis legalization in the United States might not be that far off, with numerous polls showing that people increasingly support such a move.

From the image above you can see how over the years support has drastically increased, with fewer and fewer people thinking it's a good idea that we continue to periodically detain or ticket people over a plant. Let's leave the criminal justice resources to focus on real crimes instead.

A lot of progress has been made in attempting to shed some of that stigma surrounding cannabis, as interest for CBD and hemp has flourish in recent years especially. But there is still some ways to go and still a great deal of people out there who don't respect the rights of others to grow, trade, or consume this plant.

"Legal" pharmaceutical drugs that have lined the shelves and been given out generously over the decades have contributed to thousands of deaths and the same will never be said for cannabis.

Cannabis is a plant that has thousands of potential uses and has been proven that it can increase our standard of living by providing jobs in the economy, providing medical remedy to millions, and can be used to provide alternative market solutions to meet a variety of needs.

So long as the drug war goes on, and the blatant hypocrisy continues, human rights will continue to be trampled on with tyranny flourishing as a result.

The liberty of the individual to decide for themselves has and continues to be disrespected and violated by authority figures. For the sake of freedom and for those who have had to suffer while the madness surges on, I hope that the support for cannabis continues to grow and that more people wake up to the potential that this plant has to offer, along with the acknowledgement and self-awareness that no one has a right to tell you that you shouldn't be able to grow, trade, or consume cannabis peacefully if that is your wish.

Don't like cannabis?

Then don't grow it, don't buy it, don't smoke it, and if you want then feel free to use your freedom of speech to tell others that you don't like it and you think that they shouldn't like it either. But hopefully you won't seek to use violence through the state, and pretend that you have a right to decide for others, in trying to stop them from exercising their liberty if it's in favor of cannabis or other controversial natural substances that you might not approve of.


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All time high on 4-20? Surely you jest. ^_^

Is the chart supposed to look like a penis?