Family Struggles To Heal Their Son With Cannabis Oil

A family from the UK is struggling for the freedom to treat their 12-year-old son, who suffers from epilepsy, with cannabis oil.
Their act of confiscating that oil and subjecting the son to further pain is beyond cruel, his mother has said.
While he had been taking the oil, his mother says that he had gone over 300 days without any seizure. They now say that their son is too ill to try and make the trip to Canada to get his medication.

However, if authorities were truly concerned about the well-being of this boy then perhaps they wouldn't have subjected him and his family to immense suffering by confiscating some oil that's made from a plant to begin with. The family wasn't harming anyone or the property of anyone else, by trying to bring that oil to the UK so that their son could consume it. But we can see that plenty of violence and pain has been caused by authorities in response to the peaceful actions of that family to obtain that oil.
It's unjust and cruel, and this family unfortunately isn't the only one that has suffered in such a way.
The mother of the boy, Charlotte Caldwell, is also now busy pushing for authorities to launch a meeting to discuss medical cannabis for children who might have a similar situation to that of her son. She's working, as many others have been in the UK and elsewhere, to try and get authorities to reconsider their ignorant, hypocritical, and close-minded approach that they've been taking with all-things cannabis.
The hope is that children and others in the UK who might need it, would some day have safe access to this oil and other cannabis products, without being subject to any threat of violence in-return.
This struggle is so real for so many all over the world... Just legalize it all ready! upped earlier now resteemed for you @doitvoluntarliy 👍👍👍✌

aww this is terrible!! it helps people soo much.. i don't see anything wrong with people using it for pain or seizures and making there lifes soo much easier to cope :(
Thanks for sharing the news.. i hope it all works out.
Have a lovely day :)
Mel Xx
The problem is that when you sign the birth certificate the child actually belongs to te State, so in actual fact they have the last say on what is good or not for the child, as we saw recently with the Alfie situation. The fact that they have 'backed down' over this could be a good sign due to the public starting to have a lot more influence, time will tell where things go from here though in this crazy World!!
It's absolutely insane. There's a family the next county over who were put in jail and their son taken by CPS because they bought their son cannabis for his seizures. (CBD oil is essentially impossible to get legally in Georgia.) Some doctor narced on them - he noticed that the kid wasn't having seizures anymore and didn't need state sanctioned medication. And the cops say they had to follow the law and their hands were tied. Nevermind the adultery laws on the books...
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This doesn't surprise me, although it's still infuriating. It's a clear example of how the State is in service of the state and not its citizens. I would think in 2018 laws would change to meet a more evolved understanding of the world. That said it may take decades for laws to reflect scientific finding and studies.
This news is outrageous. this is what the organisms do wrong, they comply with the rules without anailizing by case, here we are talking about the life of a human being. it is impossible for me to digest this news
Many sgracias dear friend @ doitvoluntarily / for spreading this news
I wish you a prosperous week
This is undoubtedly sad and yet I wonder if the authorities feel the same way. Chances are that they hold no sympathy for any of those who have medical requirements, let alone a single boy.
Their temporary capitulation has probably ,more to do with politics than anything else. Really hoping that the boy's mama bear gets her way.........
buen dia un gusto estar visitando,soy petra rodriguez,estoy iniciando en steemit motivada por amistades que ya lo estan .Lo veo como una manera de generar una ayuda economica ya que aqui en venezuela trabajar es igual a no trabajar bien dura la situacion,espero contar con ayuda y orientacion de todos para sentirme a gusto y poder salir adelante,invito visitar mi blog.gracias y seguimos en contacto
aqui mi visita amigo, saludos y que pase buen dia