Does Cannabis Promote Laziness? New Study Says Otherwise

in #cannabis7 years ago

Millions of people have the impression that cannabis promotes laziness and that those who smoke cannabis on a regular basis are going to be unproductive and likely just sit around all day smoking and snacking.

In some bizarre cases, anti-cannabis advocates actually think that cannabis promotes violence; but let's not take someone like Nancy Grace as any sort of cannabis expert. She's got an annoying knack for peddling ignorant fear-mongering about cannabis, as do many other television personalities.

With all of the cannabis movies out there today, it's no wonder that the public has gotten the impression that cannabis might prompt laziness. And certainly that might be the case for some individuals who consume it, but that isn't the case for every smoker.

A recent study by researchers in the US found that cannabis smokers were likely to be more successful than non-smokers. They also found that they were likely to be more satisfied in life.

In their study, they analyzed the lives of smokers in both Colorado and California. They investigated a number of mental factors, social factors, and financial details about the participants.

They also measured their overall life satisfaction, attitude toward parenting, employment information and more. And those who smoke regularly might not be surprised that the researchers discovered that for the smokers in these two regions, they are likely to be among the most satisfied and successful.

However, the results of the study might be comical to some, who remember that just last year another study came out and said that it had found the opposite: that marijuana does promote laziness and that users perform worse in areas of education and work.

Aside from happiness and success, the recent study also found that for cannabis consumers, they were more likely to volunteer their time, more so than those who rejected to consume cannabis.

The study was conducted by BDS Analytics, based in Colorado. They are a market leader when it comes to providing data and analytics regarding the cannabis market.

There might be many who want to simply smoke a joint and go to sleep, or relieve their pain and relax and enjoy their night. But that clearly isn't the case for everyone.

Take for example the cannabis-friendly gyms that are expected to open in California and perhaps across the nation. The one in California is rumored to be the very first of its kind and they want to provide an environment where customers feel free to smoke and workout. It's been suggested that mixing the cannabis with physical activity might be able to provide a number of benefits, from boosting recovery to enhancing focus and more.

Despite the fearmongering and warnings about cannabis, like studies suggesting it leads to harder drugs, and worse, people are still choosing to support the cannabis market. Millions of people around the US continue to turn toward trying the plant out for themselves.

It's already legalized in a majority of the US states and it's popular with a variety of age brackets, everyone from children using CBD and more for their epilepsy and elderly citizens turning to it to offer remedy for a myriad of different illnesses or symptoms that they suffer from.

This plant is incredible in the potential that is has to create wealth, create jobs, better our lifestyles. It can be used in thousands of different ways. And it is nothing but a detriment to our society to have government agents maintain their close-mindedness about cannabis (or hemp) and all that it has to offer the world.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

Jordan Greentree - Flickr Creative Commons
Pineapple Express via Tumblr
Wolf of Wall St via Giphy
Hunger Games via Giphy

The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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Very interesting article. Did you know that in Aceh is also famous for marijuana? But here marijuana has been used since ancient times, for cooking spice and beef stew.

Cannabis is needed the medical world. Hopefully marijuana soon legalized.

it can help so many

Agree :)

It is already legalized in other states and remaining will follow. I guess.

Follow me @yehey

Only in 5 States, and the Feds still have it Schedule 1, on the level with Heroin which is absolutely ridiculous! De-Criminalization is crucial!

Such a well written story. A great way to support and share this information, and the scientific publication looks pretty interesting.

Definetly worth checking it out too.

You could claim that laziness promotes cannabis :D . I think many researchers try to find correlation between things and when they do, they consider it a fact. This is because somehow in their minds , they have already a predetermined result in their mind and try to find a way to prove it, something like reverse engineering.

I am not saying that they are wrong, i am just saying sometimes we,people, are too eager to prove something and try to grasp on something that would prove us right.

Seems very useful, but banned in many countries. But they are trying to ban many useful other things like guns or even cash

How are guns that useful? Nowhere near as useful as cannabis.

If you live next to people that want to kill you ...guns are useful

What you did to your neighbours to make them want to kill you!

lol, personally - I am okay with my neighbors
but it depend on your neighbors ...some neighbors don't accept you as you are and just want you dead
If your neighbors are ISIS or North Korea or some other crazy entity - then you better have weapons to defend yourself

Yeah that's true. I don't think guns should be banned, but I think some regulation is good. I don't think many people would disagree that speed limits are bad.

I also agree ...guns should be controlled and regulated but , unfortunately, in some cases they are necessary

You need guns to protect your cannabis

wow thank you very informative,
great to see all the research now that legislation is changing once the medical benefits are fully realized by mainstream medical practitioners could end the pharmaceutical epidemic.

Great blog , i certainly believe that cannabis should be legalized world wide as it can treat various diseases .


great post.

💚 it!!! got a new supporter here! 😊 resteem!

Great post @doitvoluntarily. Thank You for sharing this. I've upvoted and share!

Not everybody uses and reacts to cannabis (much like anything else actually) differently. As anything, cannabis can be overdone by some and might enhance laziness for the already lazy ones. But most of the people I know who smoke, function pretty well and smoking allows them to be more balanced and actually more productive when working.