Grape Ape and Kaboom! Week 7
Grape Ape-Mendocino Purps x Skunk x Afghani

So stoked to wake up and see steem ranked #5 crypto by Weiss Ranking Agency. I have long felt steem to be the most undervalued crpto out there, and it's about time steem reveives it's due credit. Amazing utility, and super fast blocks, plus you get the bonus of gaining influence on steemit for hodling, and we haven't even seen what SMT's are going to make popular. No doubt about it, steem is the crypto to hodl. There
Today I have some Grape Ape, and Kaboom to share with you guys. They're looking sparkly at 7! The Kaboom usually starts to explode about this time, and you will see the Grape Ape start to show a lot of purple over the next couple weeks. Grape Ape is an indica, and Kaboom is a super sativa that has always been popular because of its super energetic high. Hope everyone is having a great hump day!

Holy lord I'm drooling down my chin just looking at those beauties.
Thanks for your support! You're the best!
ill take a joint of each strain please
Woww, the whole leaves are coated with THC.
Steem to the moon haha!!
Have a nice day!!
very good ;)beautiful
I guess this is not growing up in my country :)
Omg!!! Man you got some skills!!! So does this strain need cold nights to get this purple? One thing forsure this is how i hope my buds look in future. One question what kind of camera do you use? My camera sucks and never does my buds justice, but even though my buds are good your is a step above!! Thanks for sharing. Now i got to go back to the drawing board 😉
You can take photos immediately after the lights go out without stressing them out as well. I wouldn't risk more than like a minute after they switch off though.
Yeah our rooms stay pretty chili that's why we get such color. You don't want the temp fluctuating to much though. I just use my phone camera. Mostly my work phone which is a 6, and once in a while the better photos are with my personal iPhone 7. The really good photos you see on my blog with our logo were taken by my co worker who manages our social media, and I give her credit when they're hers. I literally just put my phone lens behind my UV sunglasses to take the pictures when the lights are on. You can buy special lenses that are made for HPS lighting, but the sunglasses trick usually works decent.
awesome news about the ranking! I had yet to come across that info, so thanks for sharing
Yeah it's exciting! Thanks for stopping by! You da man!
Wonderful Work Sir! Truly an experienced, master grower. I assume your using a nutrient schedule for this? Any brands/mix's you willing to share with the amazing, growing steemit cannabis community?
Hey if you get a chance, stop by my page and check out the recent post I made about my summer 2016 grow! Id love to hear your feedback! I know i could learn something from someone with such amazing talent for growing.
Looking forward to seeing more of your work and original content!
These pictures are from the facility I work at. I'm in the grow team but I can't take full credit. We have a huge facility with and we all work hard and put out some great product. My boss is awesome and I've learned a ton from him. I'm not allowed to share our processes or products we use for work, but at home I usually use coco with advanced nutrients, but I'm going to be trying a coco/soil mix on my next grow so I can use some enzymes and such. I'm putting up a few lights at home next month, I'm excited to get it going.
thanks for the feedback! im going to do some research into coco/soil mixes and enzymes..... advanced nutrients would be the "brand" you use at home... yes?
That's what I have the most experience with. Coco is considered hydroponics though, meaning their are no nutrients in the coco likenyou find in soil so you have to add them for the entire cycle. I wouldn't recommend Hydro for outdoor gardening though, soil is best. If you are gonna start growing Hydro for the first time, I would suggest using emerald harvest nutrients. They have a super simple 3 part regiment that puts out super sticky nugs without a bunch of other shit. I recently recommended it to a friend and he harvested some beautiful, tasty flower his first try. Go to your local hydro shop and Ask them some questions they can help. If you are gonna go with soil again, I would suggest using fox farm, roots organic, or happy frog over miracle grow. You can get it at the hydro shop and it doesn't cost that much more and it's better quality. Their are also some pre mixed super soils like the Michigan Made brand. Its expensive but you don't need nutrients at all, just clean water from seed to flower and you don't have to buy all the amendments and mix the soil yourself. There are so many options, it just depends on your situation, budget, and how much time you have to spend on the garden.
This shit is insane , you did a great job there .
Thank you!
Your buds look amazing check out my blog if your in the market for some glass
I already stared following you silly! I just upvoted and commented like 5 minures ago ha ha