Canna-Curate Magazine VOL 2

@derangedvisions,@dynamicgreentk,@dynamicrypto, @ELAmental, @ericwilson, @fatkat, @foodforestbot, @fracasgrimm, @ganjafarmer, @goldendawne, @hotsauceislethal, @jonyoudyer, @k0wsk1 ,@krazypoet, @lyndsaybowes, @mandyfroelich,@marksheppard, @movingman,@msp-creativebot, @netgodbeerus, @olafurthor, @pataty69, @pharesim @rakkasan84, @rawpride, @realkiki85, @RebeccaRyan, @reverendrum, @SammoSK, @sgt-dan,@skylinebuds, @soundwavesphoton, @underGRound, @sapphic
Trail Makers: @jonyoudyer, @Bluntsmasha, @conradino23, @ELAmental, @netgodbeerus, @cannabiscurator, @debo4200, @sieses, @realkiki85, @doctorspence, @darkprince66, @cannaqueen, @hiatus, @tilestar, @naturalfox, @canna-collective, @deary, @foodforestbot, @nikema, @RebeccaRyanhelps, @knarly327, @Tafgongthe1st, @loryluvszombies, @spicedlife, @gjones15, @mrunderstood, @benzeta, @stoned2thebone, @cannafarms, @thegreenhouse, @cultivar, @liquid-mike, @Zainenn, @brockmorris, @ganjagirl, @MadPotters, @chey, @growingassets, @the-haze, @skylinebuds, @gingy710, @growroom, @kootsmedtree, @cowboyblazerfan. @suheri, @imammudarifqi, @grow-pro, @winnerchris, @twirlspin, @pdxlove, @cannabis-news, @cannuration, @steem420, @socialmisfit, @heyimsnuffles, @ambiguity , @phoenixwren, @batman0916, @greenfooteCO, @ceattlestretch, @njweedman, @superwoman916, @movement19, @bengiles, @growroom, @elderson, @hemp-lord, @deadisdead, @coffeebuds, @gregorypatrick, @asonintrigue, @freedomtribe, @alchemage, @stonermedal,@bembelmaniac, @mango-juice, @powpow420, @oh-high-mark, @stonerfeed, @kaz2305
A huge shout out to @a1-shroom-spores for coming up with this idea. Anybody want's to run an ad in our magazine please contact @jonyoudyer, or @bluntsmasha in the Canna-Curate Discord.
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I dig it :-D
The community is growing so fast it is hard to keep up man.
Keep growing Canna Curate!!!
This post has been found valuable and upvoted by El surtidor
Great work and superb progress wish I had somewhere to post tshirts too! They are ink caps in the picture right? Are theses called also agar? I saw my first ones ever just 2 weeks back in the wild!
Congrats on volume #2. That #steemog is looking amazing. Also enjoyed the mushroom segment. Definitely looking forward to the next edition. More photos please!
Awesome my dude. I cannot wait until the season is finally over so I can have time to grow my Steem OG. I plan to by spring at the latest.