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RE: Update on Flowering and Vegging outdoor Cannabis Plants + Ideas for cannabis culture steem integration, as instagram isnt safe to set up cannabis related business, they delete them, only steem is safe to setup shop with! Risk getting your ig deleted? Nah

in #cannabis6 years ago

yeah the one thats still vegging, why is that? why isnt it flowering? did i put them outside at the wrong time again and they switched to flower them one is still flowering, and i wanna keep it like that, the other tall one is flowering, lol fuck , all out of wack, i dont care tho they never go hermaphrodite like i thought they would, the only real problem is the insect caterpillars, the wasps the lil black ones are doing a good job but they can only eat so may caterpillars. i need something to spray my plants to keep these fucking caterpillers away.

if those caterpillars love cannabis so much maybe we can use them to eat like THC caterpillar soup LOL, if they sit there eating thc all day they must get people high too, man how do thee bugs like these flowers so much, do you think its the sugars? The bugs like the plant for the sugars right? The sweet fruity smells? I would think bugs go crazy for it, thats why these caterpillars are getting so far insid emy plants llol i picked out like ten of them today.


The vegging ones let them run.

The one you want to flower? Give it only 12 or less hours of light. Indoor is awesome because you can use a timer to control the light.

But different strains have different triggers. And that one thought it was time to flower because of a shortened day...

what about my Shade? I only get sun at like 10Am...
Thanks for advice tho u get big upvotes

lets start cannabis advice trail curatin club fronte nd weedmaps replacement wed advice lol

u can monetize ur knopwledge of growing! omg thgats would help SO many peopel to grow so much and make so much money! rthey can sell their product for monero, and exchange itto steem on blocktrades :D

Hit me. Up on discord. And canna-curate has a new server coming! Sent you the invite early!

Coming soon. And yes I'm trying to bring some growers to advise bit yeah check your discord messages man!

And you are very welcome! A rising tide raises all ships.

Oh and shade? Not dark? It needs full dark. But still getting air. Biggest tip? Good airflow!

Bit I'd do a small box with light traps for the intake and exhaust and then either timer or manually turning the power off and on...

I like timers. I do double check them. The old school ones are way more durable than new ones. Those break!

Use a blower but yeah also dust with Diatomatious earth. They hate it.

And flowering won't start until it begins to get close to fall.

Right now it's all vegging.
.and check your messages. I'd love to help you out but typing on phone keyboard is hard!

Thanks man!

dude thanks for advice i will get that diatomatious earth, is that just dirt> can i just spray dirt oin my plant? lol

and my one plat that IS fl;owering, u think it will srtay flowering? This shit happened last year, i swear this earth s messed up, i asked growers here in san diego where i shoudl flower, andhe just looked at me as if the fucking SUn itself was outof wack, what the fuck is up with that?

Well hit me up on discord. Way easier to talk and answer the questions.

And Diatomatious earth is a white powder. Bugs hate it. It's great for plants. Dust everywhere...

And your gonna have to force flowering on that flowering plant

can i give tyhe flowering plant shade? its been attacked my caterpillasr so much iuts fine lol but dude i will go get that white powder gold stuff lol diatomatious earth is probly the real monoatomic gold @mattmonarch take notes lol

No it needs full dark.

But yeah they get confused if you put them out too Early or if it's just not liking the environment.

For caterpillars you can use two types of organic control. One is spinosad, an enzyme found in a bacteria called Saccharopolyspora spinosa. The other one is BT (Bacillus thuringiensis). You can find both easily online or in your local grow shop. You should spray them once in late veg and once maybe twice in early flowering and that should do the job.