Curing cancer with marijuana?? And your mind!??!?

in #cancer6 years ago


Cancer patient often take chemo sessions which makes them tired, vomit, loss appetite and many more symptoms but people never look at the obvious solution since it’s “illegal.”

Research shows that marijuana helps stopping the spread of cancer cells which is the main plot of all the other cells that were spread. Marijuana also takes away nausea which works like an opiod but without the addiction part, yes you cannot and will not get addicted to marijuana. It also help you gain appetite and everything you eat taste better than eating sober.

It solves most if not all the issues cancer patients have and how do I know this is true? My mother is diagnosed with cancer two years ago and the doctor said she had a year and a half to live, recently got prescribed medical marijuana, she is doing a lot better lately, eating more and seem like a happier person. I even asked her if she feels any addiction surprisingly she said no. The real danger is the pills that the doctor gives her, i feel like all the opiods she was taking is now on the withdraw stage and after she smoke marijuana it made her a lot more calm and she has more hope of living and thinking more on the positive side.