What ACTUALLY leads to cancer might surprise you.

in #cancer8 years ago

People think that cancer comes from things like cigarettes, too much sugar, or processed foods. Which is 100% percent true. Those things typically do indeed lead to cancer, but there is one thing that leads to cancer that you trust and might use on a daily basis.

What you think is saving you is killing you.

The things you think are helping people with cancer like chemo therapy, cancer drugs, or prescription pharmaceutical drugs, or drugs, in general, are actually hurting you. Chemo has actually been known to help speed up the process of your cancer and kill you faster, and cancer drugs are also known to actually kill you. Thats why many of the new pharmaceutical drugs are starting to be forced to put cancer warning labels on them, because many of the cancer curing drugs or treatments have carcinogens in them already which doesn't help at all.

Check out this article about how chemo kills: http://www.cureyourowncancer.org/chemo-kills.html

Don't trust the big pharma, people.

-I have hope for my life,family, and friends thanks to steemit-1.png


If more people knew the Rockefeller's set up the first U.S. hospitals they wouldn't be falling for the medical mafia's trap. Big pharma preys on people's lack of knowledge and ignorance surrounding healthcare. People need to understand that the human body is made to heal itself! Thanks for sharing...peace!

Agreed 100%. Thanks for your comment and checking out my post!

The cancer treatment and research industry is a totall scam, for profit, outdated, and inaccurate science. People in Cuba, since it exsisted it own, created a vaccination that stops cancer growth in its tracks and its highly effective. I would bet that the cancer industry wants to ignore these treatments as well as cannabis oil because they are not as profitable.

Yeah man it's so frustrating my S/O's mom has breast cancer and they keep pushing kemo even after intensive surgery, Here's the vaccine if your interested

Pharma creates Customers, not Cures.

Big Pharma is FOR PROFIT not for people ... wake up!

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you. 🐓🐓

Down with BIG PHARMA !!!! America consumes 70% of the WORLD'S Pharmaceuticals, thanks to the monetary Capitalist System...

Of course pharmaceutical drugs harm the body especially the liver which is the top organ for your immune system
Cancer is only an imbalance in the temple body mind and emotions
Fasting and deep breathing yoga are the cure

"Cancer is only an imbalance in the temple body mind and emotions"

That's an oversimplified statement. Things most of the time are more complex, multi faceted if you will.
Cancer is the result of a damaged cell that replicates out of control. The immune system normally remove damaged or dangerous cells. But with many people this mechanism seems to be broken and there are some suspicions that vaccines play an instrumental role in this.

And the problem is often people only discover that they have cancer when it had time to spread. Like a friend of me, who had only 3 months to live after he found out and was is very bad shape already. Fasting and deep breathing yoga just aren't gonna cut it then. Maybe if he started 3 years ago it never would have come that far.

It's a simple statement but it's the truth and of course there are many factors involved ie . External factors like chemtrails and gmo food and vaccines plus internal factors like hatred of self , thinking negative thoughts and poor diet
Peace and bless

Everyone is on different journeys ; if people are meant to die from cancer because of irresponsibility or external factors no fault of their own then that's meant to be ; the spirit is eternal
Leaving the body and rebirthing is truth and is natural ; we have many lives ; the North American culture is brainwashed in thinking this is our only life which is bullshit

Good post, truth

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