Lift Bar Grill and View. Vancouver Canada

in #canada8 years ago (edited)

Checked out the waterfront and found this amazing restaurant along the way. It lived up to its name.

This place had a great atmosphere and the decor really amplified the mood of relaxation and enjoying the view. Scored a seat on the patio as the weather could not have been better. Other than the raging forest fires about 500km away creating a haze in the mountains in the near distance. Thats for another post.

Some Pinot Grigio and if course the freshest Canadian seafood served as Sashimi and smoked. A perfect first lunch to have in British Columbia. It really was the best I'd had in a long time.

Right, and the view they bragged about. I have to admit they absolutely have bragging rights. Not only do you get the majestic Rocky Mountains in the back ground there is a marina across the water with some activity of coming and going.

And the rowing school uses this stretch to practise so never really a dull moment always something different each moment.

Great service, fair prices and and experience I'm happy to have had. Check them out next time in Vancouver, great date place for sure.

333 Menchions Mews, Vancouver BC.

I love being a tourist in my own Country.


Making me homesick here! What a perfect looking day.

Make sure you go to Stanley Park when you are there - it's got gorgeous views and grass you can actually sit on.

Well we actually came here after a bike ride all around and through Stanly park. It was a fun ride. Just got back form 3 days in whistler. That was smoky just did some hiking wouldn't be good for photos. Sucks theres a forest fire just a few hundred km away.

My next will be about that. Thank you for reading
Love Vancouver but its not a cheap place to be a tourist.

I'm actually from a city about 4 hours away but I lived in Vancouver for a year. It's a not a cheap place to live either. It's one of my favourite cities in the world though. If I can afford it, I'd love to settle down there.

Yeah my friends and family have been telling me about all the fires going on. It's a shame. Two years ago I went home for the summer as well and there was another big forest fire nearby. I thought I was escaping the pollution in China but with the smoke the aqi level was over 400. I was choked. Literally. Hope you enjoy your time over there though!

When my crypto investments mature i would like to own a house there too.

Too bad you came home to smoke filled forests views last time. I am happy to hear it missed your home though. Over 300 gone in thos one alone so far.

Heading to my home Ontario today. Whole new wilderness to be shared here soon.

What a views, it was amazing, wanna spend all day long there. I wish someday can visit this place. Nice post @solarguy

I love waterfront restaurants (When the weather is good), you almost always have beautiful views, and a very relaxing atmosphere, nice post

With a nice breeze it's quite perfect.

I'm hungry now.

It's looks beautiful. Question: did you mean to put the seafood photo twice to make us twice as hungry? ;)

Thanks. I fixed it. Doing it from phone.

It was a fun day.

@solarguy, I love the rowing photography. Always wanted to try the sport. Looks so exhausting.

And the upped body strength, lots of fun im sure. I've done little row boats on a pond. But not for.speed.

This place has got "feel". Sometime, we don't spend enough time exploring our own country.

Amazing views ! I also love to trip around my own country :D I do it quite a lot with my friends.