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RE: A quick rant about tobacco

in #canada5 years ago

Im currently just trying to quit nicotine as a smoker also for 20yrs, Ive reduced more than 50% but wow it really is a sheep drug! And now with the vape e cigs whatever, we had no clue what the effects of ecigs were (do we still?!) and yeh its sick how they make so many flavours.

The other day I watched a guy who was blatently living a sweet tooth diet, chugging on his vape and had to chuckle as it was evidently toffee flavour.. Anyone who eats sweet things would even mostly be more inclined to vape more just because the mind would have also the reflex of "more sugar" substituted aswell as "more nicotine" !!

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@movingman I just quit a while back after a 50+ a day habit. I felt like a corporate whore every time I lit one up. This PDF helped me, it can't hurt to take a look.
In the PDF he (Joel Spitzer) explains why cutting down isn't always the most successful route.

Thanks for the ebook! Did you just quit instantly? Did you have rages of anger and a burning iside? 😂

I stopped years ago but relapsed when i was newly single and went to many festivals in one summer 🙁

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Yeah, I just stopped instantly, my Mrs turned into an axe murderer for a few days but I didn't have any issues with anger.

We'd stopped for about 16 months before we took it up again the last time. My Mrs got some pot for my birthday and she wanted to mix it with tobacco. When the pot was gone we had 1/2 a pack of smokes left, so we smoked that and then the next day she bought another pack.

So after about six weeks of buying just one more packet and making excuses we finally made the commitment and quit.

An old guy who I really respected said something to me the last time I quit that made a lot of sense. He said
There's only one way to quit son
I asked him, Yeah how's that?
Stop putting the fucking things in your mouth

I realised this today after retelling my mind that there is no otherway to go about than to just stop, and tell all the people around you that your having withrawals from drugs, and then people would be more lineaent. I dont think people know how it can be for some people stopping it, because I'm turning into a right fucking nutter and others can just give up not even trying or having any anger effects lol..

My Mrs got some pot for my birthday and she wanted to mix it with tobacco.

This is the worst thing about being born and raised in the UK, Its standard that its smoked with bakky, and that's the harder thing, an English stoner has no clue that they are so hooked on tabacco! Or if they do know it then its denial :) Were fucked on that one from the start.

I was out allday walking around flea markets with women and kids, and had just smoked a spliff in the morning and they kept asking if I was ok because I was quiet hahaha. Its now 15 hours since, and when I got home I was so irritated that I had a mouthful of vodka, and that really worked to change my mind to not thinking about smoking lol.

I also got a volcano here so thats like my saviour atm! Fuck Im determined, its too ironic I refer to self as a free man when I'm super addicted to government drugs, and one thing I hate is hypocrites!

Sugar and coffee being other examples of what I call Government drugs, both of which I am far from addicted too, its just the Nicotine left!

It's funny how you've written the first paragraph in that reply, there's a duality that occurs when the rational part of your mind negotiates or argues with the addicted part of your mind in the early stages of quitting. I kind of enjoyed that duality and viewed it from an outside perspective like a third person. My Mrs didn't, for her it was a personal battle but for me it was like watching two other people wanting to get their way.

That internal shitfight only lasts 2 or 3 days tops, so if you can get over that stage, never take another puff.

Yes! This time around I have a good 6 years of self learning phychology and meditation so I have a great understanding of how that voice will say and persuade anything.. And all in aid to cause us pain in the end by listening to its suggestions. Fuck the mind! 😂

My house mate is back smoking next to me and all good! I reminded myself aswell that it wont be exactly like it was over a decade ago when I tried to stop again, another trait of the mind is to assure you the outcome will be the same as lastime especially on a bad outcome 😊

I am really done with it, and am just recognizing when the mind association happens. Got a good tactic this time around 😁

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hahah a big welcome back for me... doing it again after 18 years without even little tobacco...
well i've hard smoked for only 3 years back then 1999-2002...
this is my new favorite tobacco Django (dispelled :)))

Lol. You smoked for 3 years and stopped for 18 and you just started again?! 😂

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hahahahahahahahahah oh man! thats funy, im 15 hours without now and feeling good, but been medicating still hahahahahah