She Just Picked It Up, and Now Its In My House!

in #camping7 years ago

Here in our urban homestead there are always surprises around every corner. I am so used to the days having oddities that they have truly become the norm, but today was a real doosey. I am happily commenting on awesome STEEMit blogs when I turn around to see my daughter standing in our foyer with a... I could not believe it! I'll bet some STEEM that this has not happened to you!


So glad the mom came back, it looked awfully young.
Found this info on internet:
During the first few weeks of life, does only associate with their fawns briefly usually at sunrise and sunset with fawns nursing only 2 or 3 times a day. Fawns select their own bedding location away from its mother and move this hiding place frequently (all by itself). The doe is usually within about 90 meters of her resting fawn and makes contact only to nurse.

Because of this limited interaction with its mother the first few weeks of life, people often think fawns are abandoned. Our advice should always be “Don’t touch that baby!” While I’m sure there may be some evidence for rejection by the doe if a human handles her young, it is minimal. Given her investment, once the bond between mother and young is formed, it is unlikely to be broken even by a stinky human.

But bad things happened when people mess with wildlife – like imprinting. A doe will imprint upon her fawns in a few hours. If this critical period is interrupted, the imprinting process breaks down and may lead to abandonment. But, fawns take several days or longer to imprint on mom. During this interim, fawns risk being attracted to almost any large moving object – even people. That’s why does are secretive and aggressive during fawn rearing.

So glad you somehow did the right thing.

Thanks for sharing.

So you guys posted this video on youtube right after I saw some pictures and a story on facebook about a lady and her kids who found and raised a fawn for several months before it went back to the wild. I think it still visits them every now and then. I really thought the same was going to happen to you and I was so excited, lol. But, alls well that ends well. I'm glad he went back to his mommy.

Yeah! I was freaking out thinking of how we were going to care for the deer... So very glad it ended up back with Mom.