The heartbreaking story of a child in Venezuela

in #campaign9 years ago

Hunger and famine in Venezuela

When I I started to write my article reviewed various subjects and titles that I have to develop. And nothing... no I could write a line, I felt paralyzed at the computer. Then he began to haunt a text drawn up by a boy of about twelve years enrolled in 6th. grade in a public school in a marginal area. And I found the powerlessness that keeps me Catatonic.

The campus where he studied the child participated in a program of values and writing. The teacher, after giving some instructions, asked students to write a one page story. The child tells that it was impossible to write. I looked at the blank sheet and bailoteaba his pencil in the air. But only wise to listen the silence of the room, terrified of that is heard also the noise in your stomach vacuum. I saw with amazement how classmates wrote and wrote and nothing... Then the master is approached to ask you what you was passing and the child responded:-master, is that not have desayunado. Last night was not a meal at my house. Listen to how it sounds my stomach. Would how I'm going to invent a story if I what I have is hunger? I do not think otherwise.


Master hugged him and told him that she was going to find something to eat and suggested anyway you tried to take the story of their hunger. And so it was. Tells the child that it seized the pen and flip only wrote the Chronicle of his empty stomach. It was surprised the ease with which filled the page and the truth is he a text so moving to transmitting us equally their hunger, frustration and sadness.

The theme of the hunger is us has become in nightmare constant. It is the main conversation everywhere. Hunger has taken over not only of empty stomachs and the sound bite, but it has become us fear, uncertainty and anger. And as our child writer: one may not think otherwise. At least I, after see, hear and feel the hunger of the people in the queues, in stocks, in supermarkets, on the streets, in churches. I have seen children starving like in Africa. Mothers crying and begging for something to feed their children. Teachers who lunch hidden because their students "watch them" the Viands. Desperate parents who steal to buy food for his family.


Why I could not boot with my article. Because I am frankly shocked and sore against an unthinkable situation in a country whose managers have volatilized resources, either by inefficiency or by ignorance or self-dealing. And if there is something that I shudder even more is the attitude of "blaming others" or simply close their eyes or appeal to fraudulent statistics to make the mistakes or convert the outrages in a war that is collecting dead of hunger.

The cry of "we want food", heard by anywhere, means also "we want solutions and not empty words and hot packs".
I don't consider starvation talking calorie deficit or chronically malnourished or at risk of new generations with problems of neurological and brain development by pregnant women that they are not fed. For that, they are researchers and their alarming studies that reveal a population sick of hunger and malnutrition.


I don't consider starvation explaining repeated protests and looting that arise as spontaneous spark azuzada by the despair that produce shelves, pantries and refrigerators empty. They are analysts of sociology and mass psychology.
I don't want to raise the famine, referring to the problems of inflation, production, distribution and imports, coupled with the factors of cessation of business, lack of currency, expropriation and harassment to industries and businesses. For that they are economists and specialists in public management.

I don't consider the famine from the comfort that other countries have passed it worse, because I resigned I don't see hunger in the eyes of children and grandparents.


I want to raise if the famine from hunger peace, freedom and equality. Our daily bread is not made only of flour, water and salt. It is kneaded with aim of understanding, mediation and responsible dialogue. And it is baked in the heat of the solidarity and compassion. We are hungry for a reconciliation between civil society and Governments.
Satisfies our hunger for justice know about volunteer experiences that are mobilizing to bring relief to hospitals, nursing homes, billionaires neighborhoods, schools and villages. Because each who must make and give your part in this bread of life: who have had more opportunities that others; those who hold leadership and who profess the hope of recovering the lost dignity.

Not allow that this continue occurring in my country help us and join to our campaign a UPVOTE by VENEZUELA

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A very touching story. You have my upvote. I feel very sad for you-all there in Venezuela, and hope that your initiatives here on Steemit can help being some relief. The 16 years of socialist rule has really created many deep problems there and as I was mentioning to a Cuban friend of mine, unlike the people of Cuba who have been gradually conditioned with resilience by over 50 years of failed communist rule, the people of Venezuela are ill equipped to withstand such sudden and shocking change in circumstances.

I hope you writings and stories get out to a wider audience. There are many good humanitarians here on Steemit that I am sure would be interested in the plight of your country. Will you be doing some charity with the funds earned? Helping friends, family, yourself?

Lastly, based on what I've read, I assume you are a non-native english speaker. I detect a number of possible gaps in translation. Steemit, being primarily english speaking, it is a good I idea to try to reach this population more effectively. A more precise english writing may be of benefit. I will help you with this, if you desire. I speak spanish quite ok so the collaboration should be quite effective. If you want my help, just contact me in SteemChat or maybe we can even do a skype call if you'd like. Again, I simply would like to help you get the english wording to be a bit more precise to help you convey these very interesting human stories occurring at this time in your countries history.


Wao en realidad gracias voy a contactarte para obtener tu ayuda efectivamente no soy nativo del ingles y debe ser por eso que mis campañas no han tenido éxito pero se que con tu ayuda podremos hacer un gran trabajo mil gracias por tu oferta, estamos en contacto

Que bueno. Estaríamos en contacto por SteemitChat, para confirmar el medio de comunicación. Estoy muy interesado en cómo esperas que su trabajo e exito aqui en Steemit puede ayudar gente ahi en Venezuela. Hablamos luego.

Yo puedo hablar un poquito de espanol. Bastante a comminicar. Puede usar google a encontrar un program para traducir espanol. Tengo cinquenta y ocho anos.... anos... y mi espanol es de esquela en mil novecien setenta y seis. Soy un viejo. Fui a Mexico mi primera vez en Junio. Pienso que las mujeres de mexico y sul america son las mas juapas del todo del mundo. Adios Amigo!

SI realmente son las más hermosas, @ilovesteemit quiero agradecerte por todo tu apoyo para esta campaña mil gracias por tu donación

I gave you an upvote and i think I sent you 1.25 steems... but who knows. Ya can't eat a steem.

This sum donation helps a UPVOTE by VENEZUELA campaign thank you soon while you gather enough publishes photos of the delivery of aid to my community here in venezuela thank you for your input @ilovesteemit you are the best

A centrally planned large economy can run well for a long time ... but when it fails (everything has a cycle) for what ever reason, and the backup plan fails ... then the individual is left to act alone. The individual will join ad-hoc groups but regardless if they are not prepared with a generally sustainable plan those people won't have much time. This is the danger of central planning.