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RE: How Byteball airdrop is screwing over the Steem community

in #byteball7 years ago

Thanks for yet another brilliant article. You are pretty much spot on in all your assessments. Needless to say, we were of course very well aware of all the exploitable details of this campaign. Particularly the cost of boosting a new user to rep lvl 30 or 40 was a carefully calculated risk. We wanted to make this an opportunity to all Steem users - not only the high reps. We were aware of the leaked private keys from user's misuse of memos and generally had a rather good and detailed analysis on the possible ways to abuse the system.

We were aware, that while some would use the opportunity to just buy a boost, others would perhaps feel a reason to start posting quality content and engaging more in the Steem community, no matter which Steem based community they were from.

We naturally monitored the situation and when the abuse got too high compared to legit use, we moved to make a change that actually implemented some of the suggestions you wrote here. There is now a check for creation date on users, only allowing Steem users created prior to the original announcement to receive the attestation award. The reward for lower reputation levels are halved to make it unprofitable to buy boost.

Then, why on earth didn't we set out with a much might tight and waterproof system from the get-go? Well, the main reason being the ease of use and a wider spread of the word. Having users jump through too many hoops and setting up various mechanisms preventing users from getting rewards would have caused a lot less visibility. The way we did it caused the word to spread like wildfire. I am not sure that would have been the case, had we done it any other way.


We wanted to make this an opportunity to all Steem users - not only the high reps.

This was an awful “calculated risk.” In fact, I don’t believe it was “calculated” at all. Anyone with just a rudimentary understanding of Steem/Steemit knows that the reputation system is massively flawed, the account creation process/faucet is easily exploitable, and that bots, spammers, exploiters, and outright scammers infest this place.

So this so-called “calculated risk” was then deemed acceptable after consideration was given? Why? In order to sign up exploiters/scammers to Byteball? That doesn’t sound like a promising marketing/growth model. It actually sounds like a great way to look scammy and to devalue your blockchain and tokens.

The fact that reputation scores on Steem/Steemit were used at all is laughable when talking about anything to do with “calculations” and airdrops. There’s a reason why it’s not part of any distribution protocols on the Steem blockchain.

There is now a check for creation date on users, only allowing Steem users created prior to the original announcement to receive the attestation award.

Why this was not part of the original ruleset for the airdrop is beyond me. If the consequences from this bad decision were not foreseen, then I can only assume that having a cut-off date was never actually considered - which means this airdrop was nothing less than completely amateurish. Has anyone on your team ever seen another crypto airdrop before?

Then, why on earth didn't we set out with a much might tight and waterproof system from the get-go? Well, the main reason being the ease of use and a wider spread of the word.

Yes, it’s much better to have people spreading the word that your airdrop was very poorly done and negatively affected both participating blockchains rather than make sure that it was done properly with abuse/exploit mitigation. Because those with investment money and actual development skills/teams love to invest in a good ol’ crypto “scam.”

The way we did it caused the word to spread like wildfire.

Likely in all the wrong websites and forums that spread the word about how easily exploitable the airdrop was. Congratulations, I guess?

See, the first thing I need to underline here, is the fact, that this isn't just a simple airdrop. Steem users are now an integral part of the Byteball ecosystem. We needed the reputation level, how flawed it might be, as a way to allow ICO issuers, merchants, webshops, bot creators etc. to provide discounts and bonuses to a limited set of users. Users' attestations are posted to the DAG (yes, it's not a blockchain as you mentioned) and it allows developers to provide special services to Steem users.

One thing I can honstly say we didn't foresee, was the internal debate this caused in the Steem community. We definitely had no intention to bring focus to what some apparently believe is a broken system.

Whether or not you believe we knowingly set out to do things this way, I can just say, that to a platform allowing users to build and expand on it just like Steem, we definitely got some attention from developers swooping in to take advantage of things.

One final word on all this would have to be, that the network issues we experienced last weekend, was definitely not planned for! It caused all sorts of problems both to users and to us monitoring the campaign. That's definitely a lesson we've learned for the next campaigns :)

Exactly. Every discrepancy in effort/investment/income unleashes spammers.

I love that you took the time and read the post and provided an awesome response to it. Was happy to see the changes made although I wish they were done from the start.

I am amazed at how successful the airdrop was and how many people took part.

@themarkymark when are you going to after @therealwolf for running a instant vote selling service that robs others of curation rewards?

@themarkymark when are you going to after @therealwolf for running a instant vote selling service that robs others of curation rewards?

You know that @themarkymark is a vote bot merchant as well right? Peas in a pod, Dude.

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I believe I have proof that bots were used to scan the blockchain. That is a serious 'loophole'.

Yes, it actually took 3 days for someone to create a script that read the DAG (not a blockchain) and "catch" users' transactions of amounts similar to that used to pay the attestation fee. Initially, only a single script was active, but after 2 more days, we saw 5 or 6 more. Today, we decided to end it and remove the fee entirely, reverting to a basic referral link. The scripts caused others to develop ways to "milk" the scripts by generating transactions resembling that of users normal behavior from different addresses. (The headless light wallet allows for that) It was quite interesting to see, really :)

Thank you for the reply!!

So my friend @public-eye is out of luck? $80 in Byteball (referral bonus) lost because of these scammy programmers???

My Post shows the addresses of these scammers. I hope these addresses are frozen or deleted.

If you can help my friend that would be appreciated....


Since I recognized pretty much the same by referring someone via discord (no address has ever been posted somewhere) I checked the addresses and they are the same as yours just a few seconds after the transfer I made:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-21 um 04.14.56.png

That is so terrible.

I hope Byteball does something to correct this.... Punish this scammer and still rightly install the referral fees to the real referrers.

We'll see.

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