Announcing the Steem Use-a-Thon by Byteball

in #byteball7 years ago (edited)


( 中国 - 한국어 - Español )

Since the airdrop, almost 70,000 Steem users have linked their Steem username to their Byteball wallet. 5,400 GBYTE was distributed to users while 8,500 GBYTE are locked in smart contracts to be released next year.

Here's your chance to get more Bytes

To encourage users to explore the Byteball platform and the possibilities it offers, Byteball hereby announces a contest in creating innovative use cases during the contest period.

Steem users are encouraged to compete. The prizes for the best ideas are:

  • 1st place: 10 GBYTE
  • 2nd place: 5 GBYTE
  • 3rd place: 2 GBYTE

Users are encouraged to share their progress on their Steem blog. Every Sunday during the contest period, a jury of Byteball staff and veterans will pick the most interesting, promising, fun, ingenious or remarkable progress report and the user will be rewarded with 1 GBYTE. The weekly winner will be announced in a weekly contest update posted on this blog. All prizes will be transferred to the wallet used when paying the entry fee.

How to particpate

To join the contest, participants pay an entry fee of 25 MB. The entry fee must be paid from a publicly attested Steem user’s Byteball wallet. This allows us to keep track of participants and to follow your progress on your blogs. All entry fees are added to the prize pool and distributed on a 10:5:2 ratio between the prizes.

Send your 25 MB entry fee to this address


What is a Use-a-Thon?

You have probably heard about hack-a-thons, where developers and engineers develop new features for a given product by altering code, hardware or tweaking the product.

A Use-a-Thon doesn’t require development or engineering skills. The aim is to explore, experiment and apply the existing features to solve a real-world problem or fulfill an existing need either online or offline in a local community. So while creating new chat bots and oracles is an option, it’s not required at all. A previous Byteball Use-a-Thon proved that users are able to apply the platform to real-world use cases without knowing programming or underlying technologies at all.

What is a use case?

A use case is a real-world problem or need that can be addressed with the given tool. Some (but not all) examples could be: introducing smart contracts to enable trustless value exchange between two parties, a web-based mini-game, disrupting an existing market, creating a new service allowing Byteball users to purchase products, allowing Steem users to send tips to each other, creating a private token to be used in an incentive program, or even creating a small business that potentially generates profit for you.

Basically, anything goes as long as it involves using the Byteball platform and its features.

When is the contest?

NOW! From the date of this announcement, users can join by paying the entry fee. You can enter as an individual or gather a team to help explore, develop and realize your use case. Each participant is free to create more than one entry.

The contest ends 30 September 2018, 11:59:59 UTC. You must create a post on your blog by this date, describing your use case, current progress, plan for realization, milestones and any relevant information allowing the Jury to evaluate your project. The post must be in English, with the title “Byteball Use-a-Thon: [plus your own title]”, start with a summary (150 words or less), and then the additional information as described above. First tag must be “#byteball” and second tag must be “#useathon”.

After the deadline, a Jury consisting of @Punqtured, @Slackjore, @Tarmo888 and Suirelav will evaluate all contributions and determine the winners, who will be announced about a week later.

Where can I get more information?

With a constantly growing community, there is a vast library of available resources. Here is a list of some of relevant resources:
Steem Use-a-Thon Wiki page where all relevant information for the contest can be found.
Byteball Slack where users can seek help, ask questions and collaborate - please state that you are a participant in the Use-a-Thon.
Byteball Wiki contains information about all features, references to external sources etc.
Developer guides for those wanting to build entirely new stuff.
Easy-to-use JavaScript library to easily integrate Byteball features on websites without the need of headless wallets.
Byteball main GitHub repository for those wanting to dig deep.


can someone please send me another 5 million bytes, I only need that to reach 25 million bytes. here is my address 😓


Just crunch Word Community Grid for 2 days on a regular PC and you will receive 5 million from Byteball itself. You even support science doing so!

Check out this link:

Thank you for sharing this

So this is applicable to just PC. what about smart phones??

It works on an Android smartphone as well but your daily output will be lower.

So how do I get the free byte ball?

In a nutshell:

  1. Install BOINC from Google Play Store
  2. Create an account on World community Grid
  3. Start BOINC on Android
  4. Select WCG in BOINC
  5. Link WCG and Byteball wallet : link

When you have completed all these steps, your smartphone will perform scientific calculations for WCG while connected to the powersocket. Based on the performed calculations you will be awarded GBytes through your Byteball wallet.

Great, I'll steal my dad's Android to do this. :D

Can I do it on my iPhone?

I used to be a bigshot @ WCG and Boinc from 2001, 2003 and 2007. I still am but I only have 2 computers now :)
Does it listen to GPU Grid also?
Thanks for sharing this!

Unfortunatly you can only earn Bytes crunching WCG but you could earn Gridcoin while crunching GPUGrid.

I will try to tinker with it again but it never gets up to date.

Syncing the Gridcoin wallet can take some time indeed but you can speed-up the process when you download a snapshot.

There is an active Gridcoin community #gridcoin on Steemit as well.

You can always leave your comments there because people (like myself) are happy to help you.

Hi @parejan. Please could you enlighten me on how to get free byteballs? I'm not conversant with world community grid nor crunching it. Please help.

Good to find this here :D

I thought the "mining" system was down, seems it's up, time to get back on it!

Hahaha idol! I was planning to invite you the GByte wallet apps but of course I also realized that you were also really updated with everything that is happening here on steemit. More power!

So, I think you only need 25,000 bytes to register....

That's 25 KB, the post clearly says 25 MB...

This will be massively fun! Can't wait to see the innovative uses people can come up with. Some could even use the opportunity to earn a bit of experience before the SMT is released Q1 2019.

I like this initiative. I go into elaborate detail on "why" here where I give a little bit of a stern lecture on why circulation and utilization of a coin, in our case, steem, are critical, applies to your use a thon directly:

That's a truly brilliant article! Thanks for pointing me to it. It totally nails the most important factor to any project's success. At Byteball, we're fortunate enough to have a fully functional and feature-rich platform and not just a whitepaper with bold promises. This allows us to shift the focus to the actual use cases and real adoption.

And I must say I'm enjoying every minute of it :)

I thought you all might like that. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

@sircork i just read this comment, and i will be joining this contest, maybe you could get surprise of what i will doo my big brother!!

can someone send me 2 million?
I can complete the registration process ... thanks

Just crunch Word Community Grid for a day on a regular PC and you will receive 2 million from Byteball itself. You even support science doing so!

Check out this link:

Are you sure about the amount?

Posted using Partiko Android

In the past weeks I have received this daily on my i5-laptop so it is really possible. There is one condition, you need to leave your sysem running 24 hours per day.

That is what I am been doing since the last month airdrop.Max 300 000 bytes per day + 1000 WCG. Thats by 24 hours PC running.
I would like to be earning more, have unlimited high speed Internet, interesting how do you manage to do it...

Posted using Partiko Android

Ouch, so that's why... I only let it run when I'm not using my old computer...

Posted using Partiko Android

upvoted and resteemed!!!

Nice contest!
Question: How many bytes make 25MB?
I am not sure how this is calculated.

1 GB = 1,000 MB = 1,000,000 KB = 1,000,000,000 Bytes. So, 25 MB = 25,000 KB = 25,000,000 Bytes

Oh, Thanks!
I am used to thinking that 1GB = 1024 MB

Me too. I still believe yours is correct. 1gb = 1024mb but if approximated then it's fine.

From a currency point of view, having 1 KB be 1024 Bytes would cause all sorts of problems to users having to figure out exactly how many bytes to transfer to another user if they wanted to transfer ie 4 MB :)

The wallet allows the user to change the notation to Bytes, KBytes, MBytes and GBytes. Most users finds MByte to be the better choice leaving less zeros in amounts to transfer, and often less decimals to be necessary.

This is not quite right: 1 giga-bit = 1024 mega-bits, while 1 GB = 1,000 MB

Am I wrong?

And what's the usd worth of a GB please?

At the moment around USD 90.

Looks like lots of fun! I'm just wondering if we can reuse the banner graphic on our contest entry post or if we need to create some new graphic?

By all means, please feel free to use it :) It's created by the multi-talented @fabien so massive credits to him for making it :)

We received an entry fee from an address that had chosen "private" attestation when linking their Steem user from the Byteball wallet. Would it happen to be you? If so - could I get you to do another attestation, this time making sure to choose "public"? It's basically the only way we can tell which users are signing up :-) Probably that's me 😅 (I have changed it to public)

Yup - that was you :-)
The Steem Use-a-Thon page on the wiki has been updated. Thanks for checking here and responding :)

Can any kind person help out with 10mb? I don't wanna miss this.


Just crunch Word Community Grid for 4 days on a regular PC and you will receive 10 million from Byteball itself. You even support science doing so!

Check out this link:

Thanks for this information. Will check it out.
@parejan, how do I get rewarded?
how do I link byteball wallet?

In the medium link provided above it is explaned in detail how to connect the Byteball wallet. In case of issues, just let us know.

Horrible suggestion man. Drained all my bandwidth.

I'm not sure what you mean with "Drained all my bandwith". In case you are on a metered internet connection this could be an issue indeed but if you have unlimited access this shouldn't be.

WCG will consume around 250MB per day unless you have a PC with a lot of cores. I can imagine that for the start-up it will consume a bit more to load all information but then it will be around 250MB spread over 24h

Don't have unlimited internet. Thanks anyway.

Are you sure you can get that amount of Byteball for 4 days???

Posted using Partiko Android

Can this post be promoted to at least show it's authenticity? That's the only way a large Steemit users will see t.

If somebody hadn't shared it somewhere in a group I belong, I wouldn't have seen this.

Unless you don't want people to find out, promote this post!!!

Anybody can promote it by clicking the Promote button on Steemit (I just did it, you can do it too), but I don't think that matters so much, it is more important that people with lot of followers resteem/reblog it.