Churches in Black and White / 📷 B&W Photo Contest - ~Churches~ by @daveks

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago

Churches by themselves have an aura of mystery that catches. But in black and white, that mystery intensifies. From the most simple and humble churches, to those of much more imposing and important structures such as the Cathedral of Notre Dame or the Cathedral of Barcelona, to mention some of them.

In general, the construction of each church, as simple as it may look, always carries an interesting story with it and I think they all transmit it.

This is my entry in the photography contest B&W Photo -Churches- ran by @daveks.

Here, three churches of my town.

Cristo Rey Church

Inmaculada Concepción Church

Nuestra Señora del Carmen Cathedral

All photos were taken by @orianaalej

The camera used was my iPhone 5S

I hope you liked it.


Please do not randomly use #utopian-io for your posts, if they are not connected to
Thank you!

Omg! That is so imposing! That first picture is so great. How did you manage yourself to make the whole sky look that perfectly black? It seems to having come out of a different and darker dimension.