B&W Photo Contest - Rain - #2

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago

Strangely, someone doesn't like rain, but almost all of us like the rain, see drops of water, its sound, the smell of wet earth, and it reminds me of the times that I have run to empty the clothesline, Sometimes children run away from their mothers to enjoy and play under the drops for a brief moment.

Even to curse the driver from the front, it's also a good excuse for the latecomer, it also reminds me of my city's lousy drainage system.
It makes us miss some warm arms that provide tranquility, even more romantic we are.

In short, nature gives us everything, it rains since man is man...

And we can only thank God for the gentle drops that caress our skin, and make our


Locality: Sucre, Venezuela
Camera: Cannon PowerShot X500 IS.

#bwphotocontest by @daveks.


Awesome shot, I love the contrast and use of negative space. Keep up the good work. :)

Thanks dude!!