B&W Photo Contest — Entry 01 — Candid Photography — Chess Open

in #bwphotocontest7 years ago (edited)

No, this is neither a Fischer–Spassky match, nor is Korchnoi–Petrosian — but it was no less exciting! It was Belgrade street life, Kalemegdan Fortress after the rain, when retirees got a chance to stage Chess Open – in the open! They were too deep in the game to mind the photographer…

Category / КатегоријаCandid
Settings / ПоставкеISO125, 25mm, 1/40 sec, f4
Camera / КамераCanon EOS 350D
Lens / ОбјективCanon EFs 18-55mm, f3.5-5.6
Location / ЛокацијаBelgrade, Serbia

This contest is curated by @daveks


e-vizitka - 2017-10-28_131026-mala.jpg

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