Buying games on Steam with Steem : Swimming with the Whales in Abzu

in #buying9 years ago (edited)

Today a very promising game came out called Abzu:
So I thought to buy it, discovering that you can buy with btc on Steam!

So what did I do?

Exchange some Steem for BTC and buy that f*kn game!!
Thats how we do it, the future is now, the future is bright...

And don't forget to check out Abzu. And start swimming with the Whales.


I have just downloaded ir now streaming it live om twitch


Looks like a great game. Kind of a puzzle through it genre. Plus, you get to swim with whales!

good tip, i change my title: Swimming with the Whales in Abzu

That's great news. There has been a heated debate in the Steam Community whether BTC was ever going to be accepted.
Steam Payments

I think it's very good that steam accept Bitcoin as payment, I already buy 2 game bitcoin, it has reason to accept bitcoin the crypto currency that is, future

I haven't cashed out any Steem yet, but I've been buying games with Bitcoin for a bit now. Pre-ordered Deus Ex Mankind Divided last weekend. :)

Abzu looks good thought! Might get it.