"You are what you eat." - 10 reasons for you to become vegan - YES! VEGAN!
All right peeps, research has actually revealed that vegans are happier than meat-eaters. Hah!
Vegetables & fruits are fresh and alive, which is bound to purify our minds and always keep our thoughts positive! 🌞
I have only been a vegan since August 2017, but hey, I can tell you about my favorite benefits I have experienced ever since:
1.My Moods
are MUCH BETTER, not so many PMS syndromes, really! 🤷🏼♀️
2.Weight Loss
If you stick to being a healthy vegan, yes, you will loose weight! Chocolate is healthy, right? 🍫
Soz about that peeps
3.Disease Prevention
I am less sick (no flu, nothing). My immune system is much stronger than before. 🤒
4.My Skin
Could be better to be honest, but it has definitely enhanced since cutting out milk, yoghurt etc.! 🍼
5.Protecting the Environment
It’s much cheaper to feed a vegan than an animal. From farm to fork requires a lot of energy and farmland…🐄
6.Balancing Hormones
Oestrogen can be the reason for having breast cancer. Vegans have a lower oestrogen level due to lower fat content in their diet. 🎀
7.Prevents Bad Breath
Bye bye morning breath! Hello Baby! :)♥️!
8.Better Nails
Much stronger and much more beautiful 💅
9.Relief of Migraines
Headache, what’s that? 😷
Source: Livekindly
When I switched to a vegan diet, immediately within the first month I had no more problems when the time of the month came! Before that I was laying down for about 1 week beforehand, in pain and grumpy af. - ALL GONE! 💃
So, what’s on your plate today? 🍠🍆🍏🍎🍈🥝🍑
Wanna eat healthy in Bali? Check this out: https://www.entertainmentbookbali.com/
Women on Steemit! Please feel free to join the new women on Steemit group! http://bit.ly/2r9eIZ0
Wanna chat with fellow vegans on Discord? Check out this group by @evecab

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Hhahaha those memes are killing me :D Cheese one was the best! Found your post via the travellers discord group, seems it really groups cool people there :) Regarding veganism, I'm still just working my way towards being vegetarian so commenting here is actually pretty alibistic from me....also @zzuzza might like this post I guess :D
Great! Thanks for that haha. I know it can be quiet boring to non vegans, so a few memes are always a good way to keep peeps reading til the end! :) It's a process, enjoy the journey! A few great documentaries like 'forks over knives' and 'what the health' turned me vegan! :)
Danke liebe Tina....du hast uns und der Welt wieder einmal schön aufgezeigt warum es gut ist vegan zu leben...mal von der ethischen Komponente abgesehen finde ich die anderen Vorteile, welche du aufgezählt hast, sehr passend...frei nach den Motto: "Nature is so smart. It put the medicine inside foods." :)
Ganz genau. Wir koennen so einiges selber steuern... es kann wirklich so easy sein. Bist du vegan unterwegs?
ja definitiv...gerade in unserer heutigen zeit gehts ganz einfach...ja bin ich, aber bei "seafood" verfalle ich manchmal in meine alten gewohnheiten zurück... :( wielange bist du schon vegan @tinadahmen?
Naja wie es oben im post steht, seit August ;-) Seafood ist nicht mehr so mein Ding seid dem ich die Regenzeit in Bali mitgemacht habe.... alles voll mit Muell und Plastik
ja verstehe ich nach diesem foto total...ich kann gar nicht glauben wieviel plastik in unseren ozeanen schwimmt ...unglaublich :(
Ja ekelhaft. Und die Fische essen es alles. Und wie essen die Fische. Ist doch hirnrissig?!
eigentlich schon, aber ich glaube, das die meisten menschen, wie auch ich manchmal, nicht an die folgen denken :(
Klar, die werden uns ja nicht tagtäglich unter die Nase gerieben...
hi @ile tinadahmen !
The nice post!
Wow your picture is INCREDIBLE!!!
Cheers @emrah67
@tinadahmen great post, thank you for sharing! Yay for fellow vegan, keep it up 🙌💚
Woop Woop. Do you know of any good vegan Discord groups @vegoutt-travel?
Well, i find the post a bit bored because I'm not vegan, and i think is quite difficult for me turn into a vegan.
Some vegetables are great but also some meats (mmmmm shrimps, you don't know what you're loosing now). But i'm a thin person and i really need heavy meals to be active during the day. Vegetables can't do that; if i loose weight, i just disappear.
LOL you just disappear? :-D Holarious.
Well, I know exactly 'what I am missing out on'. I am not missing out on anything. I am not vegan since I am born, so I know the taste if that's what you are talking about.
Why do you think is it so difficult for you to turn into a vegan? There is heaps of amazing things like tempe, of muesli bars, peanut butter & nuts on toast, etc. you can actually build up insane muscles on a vegan diet
See Joe 'Monk' Coleman, he is a vegan bodybuilder and doesn't look like he disappears :-D
Heeeyyy, my insane muscles are resting (a lot).
Maybe i exaggerate when I said disappear, but for me is not about feeling good or to be healthy. I like food (everything except pancakes) and i like to feel different flavors frequently. Pork, shrimps, cow tongue (i'm not sure if the translation is ok), i don't know about food with those flavors on vegan world; just to mention something, soon or later I'll have to taste them again.
(Sometimes happens i also have to put aside the meat).
So, is not because i can not eat vegetables or i don't like them, i like vegetables and i love fruits, but with time just vegetables could get boring. That's why i think would be difficult for me turn into.
** My muscles do not hold you a grudge, so if you have any question just let them know.
Hahhahah LOL @cecilswall you are hilarious! :) There are many different ways you can prepare vegetables with heaps of amazing flavours... it's just about the way you season it... Same as with meat. It's always the same but the sauce may vary... Think about it :)
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I could not agree with you more. I have experienced so many positive things since going vegan it's crazy =)
Tell us more @nicoleslife :)
No more foot fungus, no more artitis in my big toe (exept for when I eat a lot of sugar), a lot more energy, better skin and over all better health and imune system =)
Very awesome. You should write an entire blog post about this and let the world wake up Nicole!
Haha yeah I probably should :) One day soon :)
Such articles helped me to become a vegan. Well, actually I started from vegetarianism and only then moved to veganism. Anyways, now I eat only in vegan cafes. You can find them in many cities, check here, for instance. And of course, I only cook vegan meals.